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RE: 'You got thinner!'

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

You could try my patented diet! Go to graduate school while simultaneously working nights, so you have a permanent sleep deficit of about 20 hours a week while subsisting on nothing but chocolate and coffee. I think I gained like 15 kilos in a year!

(I'm kidding, never ever subject yourself to that)


WHUT? You gained weight for that??? That's what I do literally everyday and I just lose weight lol. They even said more sleep will make you gain weight but nothing happened to me. But well, it's different for everyone lol

Haha, maybe I eat more chocolate than you :D Maybe you should exchange some of the chocolate for carrots, and see if you get a paradoxical reaction ^_^

I know what you mean, though - my ability to gain or shred weight have changed wildly through time. I have been on the full journey being a veritable stick man (50-60 kg) in my 20's, until after graduate school where I started balooning until finally coming dangerously close to 90 kilos a couple of years ago, which prompted me to embark on a regime of exercise and change of diet that shaved almost 20 kilos off of me, which is where I am today.

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