I Guess
Game of imagination, multilevel imagination
One is subconscious imagination, one is conscious imagination
One feels natural, one feels unnatural
One feels waste of time, one feels dreamy revelation time.
We are assuming life, we are judging life
Life is life, you are you, that's life
It's not good if we are judging too much, in a way we are self suppressing too much
We don't need guess work, assuming work.
Our wishes are fulfilled, we asked for too much, so our wishes are fulfilled
Now we have too much, information, deceiving information
Thinking and owning many realities and trying to manifest unknown, then experiencing the unknown
Unfortunately we are loving this unknown, dark unknown.
Before, research and examination, today, speculation
We are dancing on speculations, celebrating speculations
Dynasty of speculations, world of speculations
You guess, i guess.
"This is my original and imaginative work".
(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).
Thanks and regards,
Chiranjeevi Sarikonda
(Spread Love, Spread Kindness)
Stay Blessed