Rayla Campbell: the critically necessary alternative for Massachusetts District 7steemCreated with Sketch.

in OCD4 years ago

Image: Rayla Campbell for Congress - Facebook page

I prefer not to issue direct endorsements and not even participate in any particular political activity. I mostly like to just stick to expressing my ideas, critiquing others and quietly contributing to causes I believe are worthy of it. Perhaps because I feel a bit shy telling people directly what I think they should do as I am more inclined to just inform people and let them decide for themselves.

At this point I may change my style as never before during my life in the US - and it has been over 30 years - have I felt that we are at a critical juncture where one of the choices may turn out to be truly devastating and lead to the end of America as envisioned by the Founding Fathers and transform it irreversibly into a society where freedom of thought and speech are things of the past, and so are our other cherished freedoms.

Am I exaggerating that? I certainly hope so. But then again, perhaps these concerns are very real. Just look at the people losing their jobs and livelihoods for opposing movements such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Look at the increasingly violent rhetoric and actions of these movements - which at times seem barely distinguishable. Look at the failure of mainstream left-leaning politicians to oppose that extremism or its attendant violence. Look at the utter intolerance of the politically correct left and the disastrous consequences of it for the society where majority of Americans no longer feel free to express their views. How far will it go? What can we do to check this slide into oppression?

One thing we can do is vote for people who are true Americans in spirit, people whose values are Consitutional values, whose idea of society is that of free competition - in the marketplace of goods as well as in the marketplace of ideas. I believe Rayla Campbell who is running as a write-in candidate for the Republican Party in the Massachusetts 7th Congressional District is one of them. The Republicans currently don't have a candidate on the ballot so Campbell is running as a write-in candidate.

Campbell has a solid working class background. She has come through many a struggle in life to rise to where she is now. She has worked all of her life to get where she is and she views our Constitutional freedoms as being crucial for a free and successful society. She stands for traditional values centered around solid economy and family values. And these are values that promote peace and social cohesion.

Her opponent, the Democratic Representative Ayanna Pressley is pretty much a representative of the Black Lives Matter movement. She is on record stating that America owes the mysterious "us". She is a messenger of extremism - and, as much as I hate to have to state it this way - this is one more reason to back Campbell.

Let me state unequivocally - it pains me to even have to address race in the context of politics. In my personal life I generally don't care about people's racial or ethnic background and judge them exclusively of the content of their character. Unfortunately, the racially charged political climate in the US today makes it almost impossible to keep the race out of it completely. That is why it makes it critically important to promote Black and other minority candidates who reject initiatives that seek to treat people differently depending on their racial or ethnic background. And these are exactly the initiatives Rep Pressley and her ideological BLM allies are trying to impose upon our society. People like Pressley claim that we can not be equal as citizens and need to interact with each other through a mechanism of claims and demands based upon prior historical interactions. Campbell is the opposite of that, and hence her message is that of unity and cooperation, rather the the message of division and hostility promoted by her opponent.

I have first heard about Campbell in July of this year, and the context was a vicious racist attack directed at her by one Monica Cannon-Grant, a BLM activist and a member of Rep Pressley's campaign team. Ms Cannon-Grant, who, like Campbell, is also Black denigraded Campbell on account of the skin color of her husband who happens to be White. In an obscene tirade that would not be out of place the in Nazi Germany - or at a KKK gathering - Ms Cannon-Grant denigraded Campbell for race mixing. She had at one point issued a half-hearted apology for her statements - but, at least in my opinion, that was simply due to the backlash she had received. As of this time, to the best of my knowledge, Pressley never unequivocally condemned such sentiment, and neither has the BLM or Democratic Party leadership. It appears, at least to some degree, that a vote for Pressley would indeed be a vote for a society where identity politics rule and freedom and individual responsibility take a back seat. And a vote for Campbell is a vote for the preservation of the spirit of Constitution - and for continuation of America as it was intended.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, 1 September is the day of primaries in Massachusetts. If you live in the 7th Congressional District and are willing to put Campbell on the ballot for the November general election you should write her into the Republic ballot.

Image: Rayla Campbell for Congress - Facebook page

Image: Rayla Campbell for Congress - Facebook page

IMPORTANT, Independents must remember to "pull" or get a Republican ballot when asked. Color in the circle for "write in" Congressional District 7 and put my name and town.
Source: Rayla Campbell for Congress - Facebook page

I really hate sounding dramatic - but I do believe that this is the point at which we need to make a critically important choice. The choice is between radicals who want a society where there is strict top down control and people who want to preserve and promote American ideals of freedom and responsibility. Campbell is clearly one of the latter. That is why I believe she needs to be the one representing Americans in her district in Congress and not her opponent. Even if you don't fully agree with her - she values your right to disagree and I think she will work to preserve it. Extremists on the other side of the divide would rather curtail your rights, your freedoms and you choices. You get to choose now. Choose wisely.


Massachusetts' 7th Congressional District election, 2020
Balotpedia, archived on 31 August 2020

Rayla Campbell for U.S. Congress

Rayla Campbell for Congress - Facebook page

Ayanna Pressley: 'Black Lives Matter is a mandate from the people. It's time. Pay us what you owe us'
Andrew Mark Miller, Washington Examiner, 26 June 2020

Black Republican ‘horrified and absolutely terrified’ after Boston activist’s vulgar video attacks her interracial relationship
Sean Philip Cotter, Boston Herald, 21 July 2020

Rayla Campbell Disgusted By Black Lives Matter Activist’s Racially Charged Vulgar Tirade About Her Family
Tom Joyce, New Boston Post, 22 July 2020

Activists get Kentucky woman fired from 20-year job and shut down her GoFundMe after she criticized Black Lives Matter
Tom Parker, Reclaim The Net, 4 July 2020

Kamala Harris says protests will not stop and should not stop - not even after Election Day (YouTube
August 2020

Poll: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share
Emily Ekins, Cato Institute, 22 July 2020

Massachusetts's 7th congressional district (wiki, archived)


Good luck you guy's, Texas is pulling for Rayla 👍👍🤠

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