Curiosities that will make you seem more cultured | Curiosidades que te haran parecer mas culto

in OCD5 years ago

This list is a compilation of things that we should know but we don't know because maybe we haven't even thought about them. Of all of them, which one surprises you the most?


The Kangaroos
The English asked the name of this animal to an Australian native, he replied "Kan-Guh-Ru", which gave rise to "kangaroo", the animal's English name. But "Kan-Guh-Ru" means "I don't understand you"

Sex in ancient England
In order to have sex in ancient England, the King had to be asked for permission, who authorized him through a plaque that read “Fornication Under Consent of the King” (F.U.C.K.), which gave rise to the word.

The word OK
During the Civil War, when the troops returned to their barracks without taking any casualties, they put "0 Killed" (zero deaths) on a large blackboard. Hence the expression "O.K." to say that everything is fine.

The truth
The ancient Romans, when they had to tell the truth in a trial, instead of swearing on the Bible as they do today, they did it by squeezing the testicles with the right hand. From this ancient custom came the word "testify."

The female voice
The female voice causes exhaustion in the male brain. According to Professor Michael Hunter, from the University of Sheffield (Great Britain), the tone of the female voice has more complex sounds than the male, so it takes up the entire auditory area of the male brain, while the man's voice only occupies the subthalamic area. Hence, on many occasions women complain that hunger does not listen to them, since what they do is "disconnect" for a purely physiological reason.


The statues
If a statue in the park of a person on horseback has two legs in the air, the person died in combat, if the horse has one of its front legs in the air, the person died of wounds received in combat, if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes

The maths
Multiplying 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 gives 12,345,678,987,654,321.

Yucatan, Mexico
Again a conqueror (this time Spanish) misunderstood. When asking an indigenous woman of the place what that area was called, the indigenous woman answered "Yucatan", or in Castilian: "I'm not from here."

Miguel de Cervantes and William Shakespeare
Considered the best writers in their respective languages, they died on the same day, April 23, 1616.

If their heads are cut off, they die only on the ninth day, but from hunger

These were a few curiosities, what did you think?

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