How to improve your artwork. TIP#1 (Daily Sketches)

in OCD4 years ago


Hi Guys!
How have been the cuarentena time? I hope all of you be safe in home, trying to make productive things with a lot of pacience. Be sure that we are going to overcome this situation. As said a quote, the winter always become spring.

I would like to give some tips that I use as an artist to improve my artwork. Everything I am goint o talk you is about my experience. For this post I would like to talk about the power of something simple but really strong to transfor your art and reach the next level.

I was talking about "daily sketch", I mean the power of draw a sketch every day. I know, this tip is so simple, you know, but we should not subestimated the most simple thing. If we draw every day we are going to improve very fast. Do not worry if it is a ugly sketch, it is not about beauty, is about perseverance and overcome the fear to make it wrong, or draw something horrible. The sketch is a sketch, is something simple and does not perfect. As more as you practice t your brain develop a better vision an art approach.

You can take a sketchbook (some cheap sketchbook, is not necessary something fancy), or maybe some paper that you are not going to use anymore (reciclate paper maybe), and determinate to make 10 sketches each day. I know the first sketches is going to be sucks, but do not listening your rational head, just keep drawing. You are going to see that your illustration number 10 is turnet out better than first.

In fact I made a example about this exercise. In my case I drawed in a compuer with a digital tablet (a wacom bambo). The next below are the illustrations I made. I hope you like it.











Do you like my sketches? My favourite was the number 9. Maybe I am going to make it with color and transform the sketch into a sorceress or something like magic and fantastic.

I would like to expose the quote of Colin Powell “If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude.” So is important to develop the habit to make sketches daily is you want to develop your artistic skills.

It is my TIP# 1 post talking about How to improve your art. Hope It is going to help you everybody. until finish the post I would like to show the step by step of one of my illustration done last year.
Have a wonderful day everybody!
See you on next time.



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