ULOGS: The Biggest Day of My Life

in Ulogs4 years ago

Good day steemians. Hope you're doing well today?
I am joining the Steemit 100daysofsteem Friday Challenge, organized by @steemitblog, and I will be telling you about the biggest day of my life. I hope this fascinates you as much as it elates me.

The biggest day of my life yet is definitely my wedding day, 13th April 2019. It was a memorable day for me (for us actually), as every event of that day remains fresh in my mind, and it's gonna be like that for a really long time. The wedding was colourful, it was glamorous, the guests were all graced with beautiful attires, a lot of good music and dance, and there was so much to eat and drink, especially amala with ewedu and gbegiri, as well as the famous Nigerian jollof rice.


Long before this day, I had many fantasies about the day and the event - who it was going to be by my side, in which city it was going to hold, how big the event was going to be (I expected a really big wedding by the way), and so on. It has become a normal practise to do pre-wedding shoot these days, and ours was not different, although, it was poorly planned, especially as my bride-to-be was working far away in another town. Here are some of the pre-wedding pictures.



Forgive the amateur nature of the pictures


After a lot of planning and deliberations, both families agreed to a smaller scale wedding than what I had in mind. This decision was based on financial concerns, and an African sentiment. I won't talk much about this. The wedding eve came, and it was the day I traveled, with my friends, to the town where the wedding would hold. It was a lovely night, though there was no party, it was glorious to be in the company of friends, who were there for moral support, and more importantly, I learnt how to dance that night. LoL...

Early in the morning of the set date, I was the first to wake up among my friends. I kept waking up in the middle of the night, hoping to see the sun rise. It finally happened, and we set everything up for the engagement ceremony...

bimtol 1.PNG

bimtol 2.PNG


At this point, I think I should let the pictures say the rest of the story. At least, a picture they say, says a thousand words, so I do not bore you with words. Here are some pictures from the church service and the reception, of course, focusing on us...








It was a really memorable day, and the memories continue to linger.
That has been a description of the biggest day of my life so far, I hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I appreciate your comments and contributions.



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