Presentation of my bachelor's degree project, virtual! (Post #5 for the contest Be active with Steem)

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

Good morning everyone again in this wonderful community! I'm back to share my fifth and last post for the "Be active with Steem" dynamic, which invites us to actively participate in each of the dynamics that Steemit allows us. You can participate here! I highly recommend them, let's all collaborate to grow our cherished SteemShip family together!

Presentation of my bachelor's degree project, virtual!

This year, due to the pandemic, all of us students in Venezuela have had to study from home. Specifically in Zulia, where the situation is aggravated because it is a border state, classes are completely closed and many of us, like me, have not seen our classmates at all throughout this year and a half. For this reason, we had to take the big step of graduating virtually: each and every one of the members of my class had to present a video, of a maximum of four minutes, for the presentation of their graduation project.

This video works as a virtual modality of the presentation needed to graduate; besides the fact of doing it from home, all the preparation was the same: we did a research project, mine entitled "work stress in teachers in times of pandemic", and we created slides related to the topic, which you can see below:


My degree project. Editing was done by me here.

After this, we exhibited; I used my laptop to show the supporting material, got ready with my uniform, and presto! After a long attempt, I submitted a 5:50 video that received a thumbs up from the teacher.

This video meant a lot to me, since it was years of effort and dedication that culminated in that instant; even though many of my classmates do not see it, that video was the end of a very beautiful stage of which I will keep beautiful memories, wonderful people, and, above all, knowledge that I will embrace all my life.

Some screenshots of my video-presentation:





After this, my family celebrated very joyfully; even though I don't have my bachelor's degree yet (I hope to be able to tell you about it soon), symbolically I already finished this stage of my life as a student. Now new doors are opening, which I will go through with excitement and strength, always accompanied by God.

As it should be, for this occasion I celebrated with myself through a make-up and the shirt of my class, number 49 of Colegio San Agustin; you can see some pictures below:



This makeup, which took me more than six hours, was a spike of joy to go with the rest of my uniform, which is already quite vivid and colorful. You can see it, in conjunction with its logo, here:


I am proud to have successfully completed this stage of my life, because I feel that my great effort of years will finally come to an end to venture into something totally new, unknown and, above all, exciting and wonderful.

Soon I will have my bachelor's degree and, officially, I will be free to choose what's next!

All photos taken here are my property, Isabella Moreno, taken with my iPhone X cell phone.

I shared on twitter.

I recommend to all my readers that, to keep up to date with all the news from our beloved SteemShip community, join our Discord channel, which you get at this link. That way we can all keep up with the important information provided on a daily basis.

Thanks so much for reading!


I congratulate you @zmoreno for your post and for your graduation. I find it wonderful that you value this great achievement. It is one of the most important in life. Many successes in your present and future.

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