My precious pomegranate plants (Post #1 for the contest Be active with Steem)

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone on this wonderful day! I hope you are all feeling great. It is with excitement that I am participating for the "Be Active Win Steem" dynamic, this being my first post for the contest. I invite everyone to contribute to the growth of this precious SteemShip community through this powerful dynamic, which you can get here along with its instructions and rules. Huge hugs to those who contributed to make this possible!

Next, without further ado, we will touch on the topic of this occasion: the pomegranate, a wonderful fruit that has transcended through the ages to bring health and quality of life to those who consume it.


The pomegranate, scientific name Punica Granatum, is a fruit of Mediterranean origin that is characterized by its seed, which, when ingested, provides many health benefits. It grows on a low bush, with vibrant red flowers and slender branches; its time of splendor can be autumn, but in my country, which has no fixed "seasons", it emerges when there is greater humidity.




The pomegranate plants in my house with its fruits and flowers.

In my garden we have several pomegranate plants that are not very long-lived, about 13 years old, and they have given us abundant fruit throughout their existence. We take this fruit from the plant when it is already grown and with a certain red blush on the shell; my mother opens it, takes out the seeds and with them prepares a citrus-flavored juice that, in my opinion, is extremely delicious. You can also eat the seeds by themselves; they are covered by a transparent liquid, which is what contains the real nutritional value. Below I share with you some photos of my pomegranate plants:





Some of the pomegranates that have grown there.

Among the benefits of consuming pomegranate seed are:

  • It helps to deflate the digestive tract, facilitates digestion and helps fight intestinal parasites. It also helps to prevent diarrhea, because they absorb water in the intestine. From my personal experience, since I suffer from stomach problems, pomegranate means a great relief for me and my affections; I confirm that it controls inflammation and decreases colic.
  • It has a high level of antioxidants; that is, it prevents premature aging, gives a new shine to the skin, hair, etc., and stimulates the organs to work properly.
  • It is said to help prevent cancer, which is one of its main and most important characteristics. It also lowers blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, etc. It is an incredible fruit that helps the organism to get the best out of itself, so it relieves the body and its affections.
  • I have been able to see for myself its antiviral power, since, when I have a sore throat or flu symptoms, a glass of pomegranate juice relieves the pain and inflammation that I perceive; it accelerates the recovery of the defenses and strengthens the body.

Pomegranate is a wonderful fruit that has helped my family overcome several precarious health situations, so we have seen a better and quicker recovery. In addition, it is delicious, compact and can be easily grown.


A pomegranate of my garden.

I really recommend you to grow this fruit: it is a true treasure of natural medicine.

All of these photos were taken with my cell phone, iPhone X, exclusively for this publication. They belong to me, Isabella Moreno.

I shared on twitter.

Before I go, I invite everyone who is reading my post to join to SteemShip Discord Channel, which shares main and important information about our loved community. You can find it here.

I hope you have enjoyed my publication. Thank you very much for reading, best regards!


@zmoreno Good evening. I loved your post, very nice pictures and educational about the properties of pomegranate fruit. Nature is our original pharmacy. I knew that people put it in boiled water and when it cools down they apply it on bedsores that originate on the skin, when the sick are in bed for a long time. Thank you for sharing such an instructive post. Much success in the contest.

I've heard that too, it's very common in various cultures. I'm glad you liked my post and found it educational. Best regards!

In our regional language, this fruit is called pomegranate. This fruit is very tasty and contains a lot of vitamins. Eating this fruit relieves heart problems.

How interesting! Here we call it "pomegranate" and it is also used to treat all kinds of conditions.

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