#club5050 : My Emotional Story

in Writing & Reviews3 years ago (edited)
Hello my beautiful and handsome looking friend. How are you doing today, I hope you're fine and having some nice time with your loved ones. Indeed if you haven't dedicated a special time with your loved ones, please you need to do that as it's very important. However, I am not here to discuss about that. First and foremost, I want to use great opportunity to thank @shohana1 for her noble work in #steemship community.

Being emotional is not always easy most especially someone like me, that do give my Hart for the sake of love. It's not always easy when you have make your feelings very open, and suddenly you get to receive what you never expect or the person whom you're having the feelings for turn out to see you as a lunatic nor as someone that is never serious for once.

Emotions are vital part of truly who you are, but can be complicated, chaotic, and even confusing at some points. Knowing how to control your emotion, like when you discovered that you're too emotional like me is very important. The fact is that if am too emotional, I show my feelings very openly, because I don't want to get upset with anyone, neither the person that am emmotionally attach to nor the people around me.


Every human being do feels sad from time to time as day keep counting. The emotion might be something that is relate to losses or rejection from the person that you love so much. Although,some time you might definitely, have no idea to the reasons why you are feeling sad sometime. All this I have experienced before. However, there is something about my emotional life that do affect my health. Whenever, I gave my heart and making my intention very openly and clear to a lady or any person and at the end of the day I became rejected after so much time waiting to get a positive response and it turns out to be a negative response is only God that can safe me from sadness through out the week.

Currently, I am facing such a rejection from a lady that I used my whole heart in love her, and at the end of the day I was rejected. Anyway shall, such is life and God is helping me out in forgetting about her and the emotions that was making me going crazy for her.

In summary, there was this girl that I met and we became friends, and emotions that building very strong,then I was even afraid to tell her that I love her and suddenly, on one faithful day i open up to her and told her my feelings about her . Telling her how I so much love her and even because of she I stopped communicating with some other ladies because I want her to trust me. Although, when I approached her and told her my feelings concerning her, it was equally the same feelings that she was having towards me. Although, she told me that she have to pray over it if am the right person for her, and because of the love that I have for her, I allow her to do what she feel like doing that will be the best in our relationship that is approved by God.

To cut the story short, after several months of me praying and waiting for her answer to come up so we can start putting things in order. To my greatest surprised it was just a day to our departure from were we met that she gave me a negative responsed that we aren't meant to be together. Haaah that day my life became so emmotionally down in such a way that makes me to even start hating ladies because of the disappointment that I received from a lady that I love so much.


Throughout the day that I got her answer which turn out to be negative I wasn't myself, I feel so embarrassed and sad, thinking about why I even expressed my feelings to her, why did I even told her that I love her, how did the emotion even came about? Some of this questions/thought was what were running through my mind that day I got the ugly news from her. Anyway shall, am the type of person that will keep on love people no matter the rejections that I gave from them. Reasons to why I said this is because in all and all LOVE is the greatest commandment of God. So I believe Loving the person that rejected me nor the one that hate me is a very big blessings and rewards to me that I can't even explain right now.

So my dear reader, that is part of my emotional life for now that is have to cut it short, because if I keep on discussing more about the how everything began and ended I may end up crying which isn't a good thing for me to do.

For the wonderful work that this community has been doing, I am giving out 10% of what this post will generate to @hive-173434

Thank you for your time here...

Best Regards;


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