Poetry: the Bride Clapped A Solo Fandango, Blog, Digital Art, and Photography

in Flowers and Nature4 years ago

The Bride Clapped a Solo Fandango

the bride clapped the beat
of a solo fandango
her thighs gripped tight
her perch atop her mount
at her side, primed
was a loaded pistol

she’d been left alone
abandoned at the altar
her heart sacrificed to the wanderlust
of a no-good, low-down scoundrel

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the smoke rolled in
the air hung thick
in her anger, she controlled
the molten and elemental

centipedes and tarantulas
crunched beneath the iron shoes
of her charging steed
her partner in crime
a soul, her equal

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her lattice-ribbed corset
burst with the power of a volcano
she’d be constrained no more
by anything vulnerable

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flimsy muslin replaced
with flickering flames
she was reborn
a goddess of fire and creation
now to reign over
ashen and greying mortals


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Bringing in Wednesday like a Boss whose coffee maker is broken and local Starbucks is full of masked zombies ... masked as in Hannibal Lector style.

What can I say. The bride ... Clarisse ... that's me today ... has come to the conclusion the whole world is full of beans, fava and otherwise, and needs a pick me up and baseball bat studded with statistics lessons.

The zombies flock to the sports arenas ... they do ... I've seen all the movies ... but refuse to do Math.

"What's 1 + 1 ..."

"Brains ..."

"How much is 0.02 percent multiplied by an asymptomic correction of 40 to 60 percent?"

"Brains ..."


Turns out very few share the Bride's love of mathematics and confounding-factor scavenger hunting.

Omnipotence and a samurai sword remain out of reach, and so what is better than a little revenge poetry and sharply-edged digital art.

I have been rather fascinated these days with lens flares, or it could be that my camera needs a light filter. Not sure. Either way ... with a little creative formatting ... these shots capture my mood, if not the moon, rather aptly. The sky is smoky, the sun is red, and if I am not careful ... I get all fumy.

Dr. (Not-Actually a Doctor) Evil has styled himself like Mr. Rogers, but the apocalyptic sunsets are phenomenal.

Seek out the humor in the black; be veiled about the truth or get silenced. Seek out the beauty and soak up some solace. We'll get through and eventually, the truth, like the Bride, like Math, will prevail:)


Words and Images are my own. The Bride Clapped a Solo Fandango is published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels. Monster Avatars, and Angels is available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.







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The lens flares are great and I know too that keep quiet and move about the masked zombies.

Thanks, Kimberly. We all given different information and unless one knows how to interpret the information, it is hard to tell what is true and what is propaganda. I understand why the 'zombies' might just choose to do what they are told and keep their head low until the 'apocalypse' passes;) Thank goodness for poetry and humor:)

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