Starting the Punic Wax Network with Mining Pools, Punic Copper [PUCO] and Punic Tin [PUTI]

in Token Discussion4 years ago (edited)


These 2 Threads are the Beginning of everything, but we are about launch a Network of Punic Currencies that serve to Navigate people through Blockchain.

Punic Wax Mining Pools

Punic Copper & Punic Tin

We will continue this with Metals and Gemstones, Punic Bronze, Punic Zinc, Punic Nickle, Punic Obsidian, Punic Brass, Punic Emerald, Akasha, Punic Silver, Punic Gold, etc. This will be 1 Network, but these will each be their own Blockchain, or a Token on a Blockchain, and by understanding the Punic Currencies you will understand all Cryptocurrencies. We will have a Bitcoin Clone, 2 Ethereum Clones, a Cryptonote Clone, several other Blockchains and several Tokens.

This will open the Doors of Cryptocurrency to the people and the Gods, the Punic Currencies are a Network of Currencies used to trade Religious Materials. As a Cryptocurrency, by owning Punic Currencies you own a piece of the Network, but these are actual Trade Instruments to be traded for Religious Materials. We are making various Ritual Objects, and will be selling Materials for Altars and Mhurti. We will also be founding Temples, Matha and Towns around the World.

Punic Copper [PUCO] TRC10 Token & Punic Tin [PUTI] Steem-Engine Token

I plan on teaching other Americans how to do this, and to use the Token for online Bounties and Buy it back from everyone on the market to raise the price. We are creating a Network of Tokens and Blockchains and intend to use a Scarcity model of value, by buying the Coin back and allowing people to send it to my wallet to pay for items that we then send them in the mail or online, Religious Materials, Soaps, etc. So that wayIw3 are always taking them back and can safely put some back on the market, HODL most, and then Buy back. All the time teaching people how to shift between currencies as shelters as the other one falls, ultimately teaching everyone to buy back more of the original currency at the bottom after everyone sells.

We will be creating an entire Ecosystem including my own Tokens, and State Tokens and Blockchains, City Tokens and Blockchains, University Tokens and Blockchains, and Regional, Corporate, Church, Temple, Friend, Club Tokens and Blockchains.

We will teach everyone how to Buy Low, and Sell High, and make their own Blockchain in a safe Ecosystem where they are always making money.

We also intend to launch the Karma Network and have several bots seeking out the most active, longest serving, lowest rewarded members of our community to be helped. This will be done by making it a game to do so, with ranks and rewards. Karma.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 64970.70
ETH 3238.82
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64