Achievement 3 by @zumain. Task: Content Etiquette.

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone! It's a pleasure to have you here again.This is my Achievement 3 task. Without wasting much time, I begin.
According to Anjita Ganguly,Co-founder & Publication Expert at Exceller Books,"Plagiarism has always been a common phenomenon in all streams of knowledge. In the age of the internet, plagiarism is rampant. Sometimes, it is deliberate and sometimes unintentional. If you are a writer or planning to take up writing as a career or even a research fellow due to putting down your finding, you must have heard about plagiarism. Plagiarism is representing someone else’s language, ideas, thought or expressions as your own work. In the world of literature, it is called ‘literary theft’."
From my own opinion, "Plagiarism" can be defined as the usage of the ideas or thoughts of another writer or author, posing them (i.e the ideas or thoughts) as one's own intellectual property.

What Are The Forms Of Plagiarism?

∆ Straightforward Plagiarism
This is commonly known as 'Direct Plagiarism'. "It is when an author copies an existing source word-for-word without mentioning the original author. The deliberate lifting of someone else’s work is not an honest and ethical practice and leads to a case of serious copyright violation."source

∆ Unplanned Plagiarism
This particular type is also known as Accidental Plagiarism. With this type, the writer creates an idea which per chance, is corresponding or matching with the thoughts or ideas of another author or write. One does not realize that it could be the same idea another could think of.This is done unintentionally due to ignorance by citing the original sources of it.

∆ Self Plagiarism
Self- plagiarism can be defined as copying one's own work deliberately."It happens when a writer publishes his or her own previous work or mixes parts of previous works as a fresh write-up. When it is less severe than an author plagiarizing someone else’s work, it does raise an ethical question and hence should be avoided."source

How to eradicate plagiarism.

"Paraphrase: Whether you are writing an academic essay or a novel, referring to outside sources may be crucial for you. If you feel compelled to use such a source, use them appropriately. Sometimes, it is absolutely necessary to mention radical work by the exponents of the particular field. In such case, paraphrasing is a great idea if you want to include information from outside sources in your written article."source

"Using quotation is another great way avoid plagiarism is by using quotations. Where you feel you cannot do without a particular sentence or a group of words express exactly the same meaning as you may want to convey, put that part in quotation mark. And you do not have to resort to any alteration which may disturb usual association of meaning. But when you do so, remember to include that in the list of citations."[sour

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