## Achievement 3 by @zarneel.khan Task: Content & Etiquette

in Newcomers' Communitylast year (edited)

Achievement 3

At first I would like to express my deep Gratitude & Gloryfication to the Almighty ALLAH. Darud & Salam to Dear Prophet Muhammad (S.W), who is the messenger of Almighty ALLAH.
My name is Zarneel khan & I am steemit community member ,I have done 2 Achievements & know I am doing my 3rd Achievement ,which is about Etiquette & Plagiarism .

What is Plagiarism?


plagiarism is define by copying someone else content & giving that to your own name is called plagiarism .


This word is derived from latin word plagiarism which means thief or kidnapper. In simple words plagiarism means presenting someone else's idea & work as one's own. In more simple & easy way plagiarism means copying someone else content without asking & using it for your own benefit , which is not good is called plagiarism.


Lets discuss plagiarism in more detail , Let suppose I make a content or someone else make a content with a lot of effort, wasting time and difficulties, in sense of Videos, written blogs, Research, Arts, Graphic Designing etc. and I use that material without asking him for my own benefit .This is called plagiarism.

Types of plagiarism:

There are more types of plagiarism but we are going to discuss the common one's.

1) Complete plagiarism

2) Source base plagiarism

3) Self plagiarism

4) Paraphrase plagiarism

5) Mosaic plagiarism

6) Accidental plagiarism

7) Direct plagiarism

8) Inaccurate authorship


Let me explain all these types of plagiarism in detail from my own .In the above picture the points are explain very shortly , but I am trying it to explain it a little bit more in detail that it is clear and easy to understand .

1) Complete plagiarism:

Complete plagiarism means that copying each and everything word to word from other ,means copy paste rule is called complete plagiarism.

2) Source base plagiarism:

source base plagiarism means that when you post someone content and to that content you give your own reference which wrong is called source base plagiarism.

3) Self plagiarism:

Self plagiarism actually means that when you post something one's and you repeat that in another place also which is wrong and this kind of plagiarism is called self plagiarism.

4) Paraphrase plagiarism:

In this point it means that you don't copy paste all the content but you change some of those words in someone else content and give your own name to that content is called paraphrase plagiarism.

5) Mosaic plagiarism:

Mosaic plagiarism means when a student borrows phrases from a source without using quotation marks and find some synonyms word like that which have same meaning in original is called mosaic plagiarism.

6) Accidental plagiarism:

Accidental plagiarism means when you do not understand how to properly search paraphrase , quotation etc.

7) Direct plagiarism:

Direct plagiarism means direct copying paste from other word by word is called direct plagiarism.

8) Inaccurate authorship:

This kind of plagiarism occurs when the name of the author is incorrect ,some misleading attribution is occurs to your content.

My own suggestion for avoiding plagiarism:

  1. When you make your content by searching different sites and getting different ideas so for avoiding yourself check your content by plagiarism tool it will help you to find the copy paste writing in your own content. So many online tools are available for checking plagiarism.
  2. When you are downloading something from google etc. You should have to give source of all what is mention in it.
  3. If a person belief on himself and once he closed his eyes then he might can do many things if he star thinking avoiding plagiarism would be looking nothing for him . so first of all believing on himself matters a lot and that comes when you decide that I have to do.

What is citation?

A citations means the way you tell your reader that certain material in your work is from another source.
"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them" at the end of this task post.

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