Achievements 3_by @weasell_Task:_Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Greetings good people of steemit. Today I will be discussing achievements 3 which is Content Etiquette an article/post on plagiarism.

Contact Etiquette
Oxford university dictionary define etiquette as a form prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life, convectional decorum, ceremonial code of polite society.

Wikipedia define etiquette as the set of conventional rules of personal behaviour in polite society, usually in the form of an ethical code that delineates the expected and accepted social behaviour that conversations and norms observed by a society, a social class or a social group.

According to Oxford university dictionary plagiarism can be define as copying of another person's ideas, text or other creating work, and presenting it as one's own especially without permission. Plagiarism may be intentional or reckless, or unintentional.


Types of plagiarism
There are several types of plagiarism but we will be looking at the most common types and they are:

Mosaic or patchwork plagiarism:
With this type of plagiarism, the work of someone else is simply paraphrased without proper is often difficult to detect because the plagiarized material is interwoven with many different sources, including the writer's ideas and perspective.

Paraphrasing plagiarism:
This can also be called incremental plagiarism, this is the most common type of plagiarism. It is simpler to the mosaic plagiarism style mentioned above. However, the difference is that the copied work isn't mixed in with new concept and research. When you paraphrase the original idea in your own words, the borrowed material stays the same throughout the new piece.

Complete plagiarism:
This is the most common in academic writing than in content marketing or other types of online writing. This type of plagiarism occur when someone tries to submit an entire research paper as their own without proper attribution.
For example, this involves copying and pasting the original work in it's exact words. The only things that is changed is the authors name.

Also known as auto plagiarism, this happens when you copy your own writing, whether international or not. Many people think self-plagiarism is harmless because you aren't stealing from someone else. But, this type of plagiarism can be just as damaging as any other.
For example, if you are writing for clients, your words maybe no longer belong to you. This could even results result in potential legal issues if it is a breach of your contract.

Accident plagiarism:
Plagiarism doesn't always happen on purpose. It is still considered plagiarism when someone copies another's writing without citing their source, or improper cites of source or leave out quotation marks on accident. Just because the omission or incorrect citation was accidental doesn't mean plagiarism hasn't been committed. This is why it is important to check any work and when in doubt, give your source credit.

Direct plagiarism:
This is also known as verbatim or copy-paste plagiarism, is an intentional and unethical from of stealing contact. As the name suggests, the writing is stolen word for word pasted into the new piece. The author then tries to pass off the content as their own. A word of two might be changed, but this type of plagiarism is too blatant to be considered paraphrasing.

Consequences of Plagiarism:
1.Destroyed Student Reputation.
2.Destroyed Professional Reputation.
3.Destroyed Academic Reputation.
4.Legal Repercussions.
5.Monetary Repercussions.

How to avoid plagiarism
Avoiding plagiarism is actually easy to do now that I understand what it is. I will discuss few ways of avoiding plagiarism.

Cite your source:
When alluding to an idea or wording that is not your own, add a citation in your writing that identifies the full name of the source, the date it was published, and any other citation element that's required by the style guide you are adhering to.

Include quotation:
If you insert a source's words into your writing, verbatim, one of the simplest yet obvious ways to avoid plagiarism is by using quotation marks around the text to denote that the words aren't your own. A direct quote should be use to cite the source so that readers know where the quote is from.

This is rewriting a source's Ideas or information into your own words, without changing it meaning. But be careful paraphrase can slip into plagiarism if done incorrectly.

Present your own idea:
Instead of parroting the source's ideas or words, exploring what you have to say about it. Ask yourself what unique perspective or point you can contribute in your writing that is entirely your own. Keep in mind that if your are alluding to a source's ideas or words to frame your own point, you will still need to apply the guidelines above to avoid plagiarizing.

Use a plagiarism checker:
While conducting your research on a topic, some phases or sentence might stick with you so well that include them in your writing without a citation. When in doubt, using an online plagiarism checking tool can help you catch these issues before submitting your work.

Conclusion: pilgrimage is a bad thing to do, it like trying to reap where you didn't sow so we should try as much as possible to avoid plagiarism or give credit to does who has actually did the work.

Remark: I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them.

We come to the end of our discussion on plagiarism. Comment below if you have any question or contribution. Thank you.

Special thanks to @xkool24, @ofalamin and @whitestallion for they endless support.


Stay blessed.

 3 years ago 

Well-done sir, beautiful post

 3 years ago 

Thanks bro

 3 years ago 

E sweet as you put reference but sha by Achievement 4 you for don see better way of making the work really beautiful.

 3 years ago 

Alright boss I go start dey work on am

 3 years ago 

@weasell, your Achievement 3 task has been successfully verified. You may now proceed to the next Achievement task.

Rate 3

 3 years ago 

Thanks you sir

 3 years ago 

Hi, @weasell,

Your post has been supported by @rypo01 from the Steem Greeter Team.

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