Achievement 5 Task 2 by @wahajdin: Review

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


Link Achievement 5.1 = Achievement 5.1


Question 1

Please explain the current Steem price and volumes on date of submission of this review?

If we want to know the price of Steem and Volume then we need to open the Steem scan website. In the front page we can see that all information is mentioned. But we need price of Steem at the time of doing this task and the volume of Steem.


You can see the price and volume in figure, I also mention here.
Steem Price = $0.56
Volume= $9,420.39
Supply= 389,366,777/8,663,666 SBD


Question 2

Please explain What all information is shown under latest transactions and latest locks section?

Latest Transactions

When we click on the Latest Transaction Tab, we see the information about transactions that are recently executed. Information about transaction are, Block id, ID, Timestamp, Sender, Receeiver, Type of Transaction and amount % of payload.


In this tab we can see the transaction that is executed recentrly is Vote 100%. This vote is given by ab7b13 to mmerlin.

Latest Block

In this tab we can check the block that is recently added. In this screen we can see the block that is recently added is mined by symbionts.


The information we that shown in this tab is Block ID, Height, Timestamp, Block Transactions and Mined by. These heading are showing the information about the block.


Question 3

Please explain What all information is shown under Witnesses section and steps to vote a Witness?

The information under the Witness section are displayed on this tap are Total Witness, Total Mined Steem, Latest Block Height, Transaction Count and current Witness. These tab showing the information at the top of the page.
When we scroll down and see the active Witness.
Here the information about Witness are Rank, Witness name, Approval, Status , Version, Last Mined, Missed, Price feed, Register fee and vote. These are the information that we get under the witness tab. You can see the all these information in the figure.


Steps To vote a Witness.

  • First click on the Vote


  • Here we can the Witness Vote window.
  • Our Witness is flyingfly1
  • Click on the Continue button.


  • For witness vote we need to login with our Steemit User name and our Private Posting key.
  • Enter the username and Private Posting key.
  • Click on the Get Started Button



Question 4

Please explain What is DApps and mention 3 DApps which you have already used or may use in future as per your interest?

DAPPs is the abbreviation of Decentralized Applications. Decentralized Applications are applications that are not controlled by central authority. These apps are made on Distributed systems. Everyone has equal rights on these app. Every can make decisions on these apps. Everyone has right to vote. Everyone has freedom of expression on these apps. We can freely express our feelings on these apps.
There are many Decentralized app like Steemit and Dtube. These are the social media applications. Here I mentioned three Decentralized applications that I used so far.
Steemit is my best Social media decentralized application. I start using this application 3 or 4 month ago.


Dtube is also decentralized application. Here we can express our ideas through videos.

Screenshot (121).png

Steemworld is also Steem Blockchain tool that I use to explore my activities on the Steem Platform.


The Decentralized Application that I want to use in future is decentralized Game application. Epic Dice is one of Decentralized Game app that I want to use in future.



Question 5

Please explain How to use "Quick Convert" and what is the fee charged for different Steem amount for withdrawal?

If we want to convert our Steem to other cryptocurrency then we need to select one of the mentioned currency in the figure. When select the particular currency then it coverted to other currecncy.
If wan to withdraw 10 Steem then, the fee charges are 1.11191837 USDT. All the operation you can see in the figure.



Question 6

Please explain what information is provided by the "Search" feature?

We can search the transaction in several ways. In the figure we can see the Transaction can be searched by the following parameters.


  1. Search Type
  2. Transaction ID
  3. Amount From
  4. Amount To
  5. Type
  6. Date from
  7. Date to

We can search the transaction by entering the values of above parameters.

Thank You Sir.

Written by


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60930.55
ETH 2367.07
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48