Achievement 5 Task 1 by @udyliciouz : Review

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago


Good day and welcome to my blog on Steemit. After accomplishing my achievement one down to achievement four, its time to address achievement 5 which has sub contents. So I am starting with achievement 5 task 1 which involves the review of was designed by @steemchiller and I will show you how to query this tool to display rewards for this week, for the whole Month or everything received as reward on Steemit.
Our focus will be shifted to the concept of delegation, the various types of delegations and how to make a Steem Power delegation.
Then I will take up voting. Showing you how to check Incoming and outgoing votes,
Switch to account monitoring mode and show you how to monitor your account, How to checking account operations for past 7 days and other details you can check?
I will then explain Author, Curation and Beneficiary Rewards. Showing you how to check this for the past 7 days.
Then I will round up by showing you how to check your upvote value and the different voting weights using this tool?

Lets get started

How to check reward summary for all time, last 30days and 7days

Assuming you made some revenue with your account and you will like to know how much was made so you can calculate 25% or 50% of the amount made. Some Community Moderators also use this feature to tell how much was made by a user to assertion the users club status

To check reward summary:

• Login to steemworld through this link or alternatively, You may also enter this link through the address bar:


• Allow the page to load


• At the top right corner, select sign in, followed by your username and posting key.


• This takes you to the Steem Blockchain Tools where you are to select the dashboard option.


• Scroll down to see the reward summary for 7 days, 30 days and for all earnings.



A Delegation is the assigning of a specific amount of Steem power to a community or Steemit user, giving such a community or user more voting power while the delegator still maintains ownership of the steem.

When a Delegation is made, the Steem power is transfered to the one receiving the delegation while the right over the Steem remains the property of the account making the Delegation and can decide to revoke the Delegation at any time without any prior notice.

Types of Delegation
On the steemit platform, there are two basic types of Delegation:
• Outgoing Delegation
• Incoming Delegation

I will be making an out going Delegation when I am the one giving out my Steem power but the Delegation will be termed an incoming Delegation if I am the one receiving the assigned Steem power.

• To make a Delegation, you must have the amount of Steem power you want to delegate.
• Revoking a delegation will take about 7 days to reflect in your account
• You can't delegate Steem that is being powered down
• It's impossible to delegate or power down delegated Steem.
• When delegating, make sure the Steem power left is enough to help you Steem comfortably.

How to Delegate Steem Power

• Login to steemworld through this link or alternatively, You may also enter this link through the address bar:


• At the top right corner, select sign in, followed by your username and posting key.


• This takes you to the Steem Blockchain Tools where you are to select the dashboard option.


• Scroll down to this section and select Delegations followed by the delegate tat will appear below it.


• Indicate the recipient of the Delegation and the amount you are Delegating.


Then select ok.

How to check Incoming and Outgoing Votes

Checking Incoming Votes
• After logging into Steemworld with username and posting key, scroll down and select Dashboard then select States


• Select Inc. Votes... and you will be given the window below.


• When done, use the x button to close it.

Checking outgoing Votes
• After logging into Steemworld with username and posting key, scroll down and select Dashboard then select the States tab


• Select Out. Votes...


• When done, use the x button to close it.

How to check account operations for the past 7 days and other details that can be checked?

• After logging into Steemworld with username and posting key, scroll down and select Dashboard
• Scroll down to the Account Operation section and click on it

• You will have besides today and yesterday, some other seven days to analyze.


After selecting a specific day, you will have the data below provided for the selected day


This function allows you to filter between incoming, outgoing and both.
You can use chack boxes to select the following options:
• Benefactor Rewards
• Curation Rewards
• Producer Rewards
• SPS Rewards
• Market Order
• Witness Related
• Custom JSON

Explaining Author, Curation and Beneficiary Rewards

Author Reward
This is the reward we receive from the reward pool for uploading quality content in to the steemit platform.

Below is my Author Reward for the past 7days


Curation Reward
A curation reward is the reward you get for helping the steemit Blockchain identify quality posts through your votes. Such votes may be a direct vote or one done through a curation trail.

Below is my curation reward for the past 7 days


Beneficiary Reward
This reward is a percentage set aside by the content creator requesting that the said percentage be given to the indicated user(s) or community either for their contribution in the post or as a community support program.

Below is the Reward I earned as a Beneficiary for the past 7 days which is zero


How to check your upvote value

The circular display at the top left of the steemworld window and the table besides it will be helpful when checking out upvote value.


The voting weights outcome
Here is a replica of my current vote amount table, showing my current voting weights result

S/NVoting WeightVote Outcome

Hi @udyliciouz, this is to inform you that we have successfully verified your achievement 5.1, you may move to the next achievement task.
Thank you for completing this achievement.

It's also very important for you to join #club5050. To join the club you need to power up at least 50% of your monthly earnings. You can also join #club75 where you will power up 75% of your earnings for 2 months or #club100 where you are to power up all your earnings for 3 months.

Also note that all achievement posts must be posted only once. Even if your post is not verified, you need to exercise patience and be sure to tag a greeter to verify you

Thank you for completing this Achievement.

Task rate: 3

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much ma'am for verifying my Achivement post.

Hello dear @udyliciouz, we are sorry that we missed this achievement post voting window. A catch up vote has been included in your achievement 5:4. Keep being active

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