As I am, my presentation on Steemit

in Newcomers' Communitylast year (edited)

Hello to all the members of this ecosystem. I recognize that I have been slow in making this presentation, but I have been studying the best practices, to try to be in tune with the demands of the community and try to meet my expectations.

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the author at a university congress

I recognize that I am more analog than digital because I was born on January 1, 1967. At that stage there was no development in computing and communications and my world revolved around pencils, notebooks, hand games, books and far away from keyboards, mouse, electronic tools, online games and all this digital world we have today.

But I have been lucky to have in the workplace young people who are advanced in social networks, technologies, web 3, blockchain and, despite my lack of knowledge, they have been explaining me the advantages and benefits of being on this platform and with videos about Steemit I liked it and I accepted the challenge to start on it.

I have seen these initial videos on YouTube and they basically talk about how to start in Steemit, about the presentation, the communities and other data that take you by the hand and lead you towards this incredible adventure of knowing and sharing. The most followed is Dexsy Ascanio, whose username is @dexsyascanio2562, for the unique way of presenting her content and sage advice.

Who am I?

the author

From the above I tell you that my name is Antonio Manuel Nápoles Rivero, I live in Havana, Cuba and my friends and co-workers call me Tony. I have a degree in Education, specializing in Geography. I am an Assistant Professor of Higher Education and I studied and passed a postgraduate specialty in Psychopedagogy. I worked as a teacher for 30 years and since October 3, 2017 I am the director of Knowledge Management, at the Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Geological Survey of Cuba, a direction that in this center attends the National Center of Geological Information, the Quality Management System, Communication and Marketing, Data Bank of the Republic of Cuba and Informatics and Networks.

Where do I live?

I have lived in 5 of Cuba's 15 provinces. I was born in Camagüey province, grew up in Las Tunas, attended high school and pre-university studies in Matanzas and lived for 17 years in Moa, Holguín. I currently live in Havana, capital of the country.


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with my wife and children

I live with my wife, with whom I will celebrate 26 years of relationship on October 29, 20223. My wife has two children and I came into their lives when they were 10 and 5 years old. I have no biological children, but these two young men and the students I raised and educated for 30 years make me one of the proudest parents in the world. My family also consists of my 5 siblings, my nieces, nephews, my sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law. This is my greatest treasure and what I love most in the world.

My job

I started working as a Geography teacher in 1986. For 30 years I worked in the educational sector.
I never thought of becoming a teacher, that's the truth. I always told my mother that if I had to be a doctor or a teacher, I would not study any more, because I wanted to be an engineer, but I could not be and because of those things that destiny has again, my mother, in a negative stage of my life, put me in a dilemma: I had to work and I had two options: I had to be a bricklayer's assistant or a teacher, but as I had told her that I would never be a teacher, she told me that for sure I wanted to be a bricklayer's assistant. That was the beginning of my journey through the educational sector, something that I am infinitely grateful to my mother figure, because it was there where I cultivated what I am today and where I had most of my professional and personal achievements.

with my coworkers

To give you an idea:

  • Working in education allowed me to achieve a comprehensive general culture;
  • In this job I met my wife Estela Charchabal Reyes;
  • In education I was able to grow professionally, since I was able to achieve the degrees of Bachelor in Geography, Postgraduate Specialist in Teaching in Psychopedagogy, I took 7 diploma courses and more than 50 postgraduate courses.
  • Through this work I was able to direct a basic secondary school and for 13 years I was in charge of a university branch.
  • Being in education I was able to be in my beloved Venezuela, my second homeland and where I left many colleagues who are like family to me.

Quick self-questionnaire

My greatest treasure: My family

with my five siblings

Things I like: Sports: I always liked sports (one of my passions) and I managed to participate in National School Games. In 1982 I was National Champion and bronze medalist in track and field in the javelin and shot put specialties. I also participated in national events in other sports such as basketball, handball and volleyball. I practiced soccer, baseball, judo, boxing and chess. As you can see my great passion for sports comes from a very young age.

Others: Excursions, Geography, movies, challenges, sharing in family, meeting people and sharing tastes and priorities.

Another of my passions were studies and I owe that to my mother, who was very strict in everything related to our cultural formation. Thanks to all of the above, I discovered worlds that I never knew existed and I fell in love with books; I traveled through imaginary worlds, from Greece, with Homer's Iliad, to Macondo, with the One Hundred Years of Solitude by the Colombian Gabriel García Márquez. I discovered murders with Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes, I rode with Don Quixote and Sancho and fought against giant windmills. In short, in books I found another source of knowledge, entertainment and development.

Values I admire in human beings: Responsibility, solidarity, honesty.

Favorite music: Son, Salsa, pop.

Aspirations in Steemit: To meet new friends, share knowledge, learn and try to do my best in the ecosystem.

Most beautiful coincidence in my life: That my mother and my wife are named ESTELA.

My favorite heroine: My mother.

with my mother

Everything I do in life has been marked by my mother's imprint. To her I owe the little or much that I have done. I have tried to be faithful to her legacy and be a good person, something she always instilled in us.

As you can see I have to thank my mom for her great wisdom and her demands. You may be wondering who she is, where she lives and what she does for a living. My mother lives in me, 4 years ago she changed her form, to become a superior being, to continue guiding my life and to live eternally in the left side of my chest. So you may wonder why I speak of her in the present tense. In addition to the above, I answer: People like her are not said goodbye in mourning, but are carried with you for life and you follow her example.

with my two steles

By those coincidences of life, my mother and my wife have the same name: ESTELA, which could also be Estrella, because they both are.

In fact, my user name is tonyes because my name is Antonio and they call me Tony and it means Estelas. That's why I searched for this username

I hope you liked the presentation.

A big hug, blessings and good health to all the members of this platform, to their families and friends.
Greetings and salutations.



Many thanks to @steem.history for reading the post and for their comments. I would like to grow in this community and keep learning from a world that is somewhat new to me, despite the years I have. Excellent weekend to you and yours. Greetings and best regards

Welcome to steemit. I have followed you on Steemit, please be kind enough to follow me as well. @laughworldcomedy

Thank you very much for following this server and for reading the communication. I have several doubts that I have not been able to clarify about: When can I make the second post, how to join the 5050 club, if I can answer, if I can interact and make life in the communities. Tomorrow is my sixth day since the first post and I am in the dark, as I have mastered almost nothing. Cheers and greetings

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