Achievement5 task2 || 05-07-2021 || by @steemitlover36 ||

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hey, Everyone I back,
"...Hope you all fine..."

My all achievement 1 to 5.1 is already submitted in my previous account...
My previous account was hacked.

Those who try do not give up

I'm Good

What is SteemScan.?

SteamScan is a fast-changing exchange tool built on the Steam blockchain via FutureShock FutureShock, which allows Rodo Freich Steam to convert steam and send it to any voice crypto wallet...-

Current Steem Price and Volume Review?

The chart on the left shows the price of the current stem, and the chart on the right shows the volume of the stem trade. The current price of steam gives the average price of steam which is exchanged in several exchanges. Trading volume details the sum of total trading values ​​within a given period.

Show All Latest Transactions..., Live..?


Here on the latest blocks it allows stemmers to check the latest blocks. This is known as block transaction.

What information is shown under the Witnesses section and Witness Voting Measures?


Under Witnesses, it shows the entire list of witnesses and the current STEM witness that you can easily vote for your favorite witnesses. There are other things Witness, Status, Rank, and Version.


Mention what DApps are and 3DApps you've already used or may use in the future according to your interests



DApps Known as a decentralized utility that runs on a unit of the computing system. There are 3DApp that I have already used which are the word stem, dlip and uppack. I am also interested in using its decentralized video platform known as Dtube in the future.

How To Use Quick Convert..?



How to use "Quick Convert" and how to Withdraw... Details..?

The fastest exchange tool with a fixed fee that helps you convert Steem to USDT, BTC and TRX. The interesting thing about this feature is that it has a fixed fee whether you are exchanging 10 stems or a fixed fee of 2,000. It is highly recommended to convert your stem to TRX as compared to BTC and USDT as you pay a relatively higher fixed fee in BTC and USDT.
There is a fixed fee charged for each cryptocurrency e.g...-
20 Convert STEM to USDT - Fee: 1.02780001 USDT
20 Converting STEM to BTC - Fee: 0.00050270BTC
20 to convert STEM to TRX - Fee: 0.91400000 TRX

    Use Quick Convert.?

Step #1 Is to enter the amount of STEEM and then select your desired currency from the options, then enter the withdrawal address of your desired currency, and then click on Order.

Step #2 You need to proceed with the payment by allowing the transfer using the active key of your Steemit account.

Step #3 Enter wallet or return address You want the modified crypto to be sent.

Step #4 Then you click on Order

Step #5 Then log in with your active key to confirm the transaction you started.

Step #6 What information is provided by the "Search" feature..?
The search feature allows steemians to search for any content that is not on the homepage.

----------------I LOVE STEEMIT----------------
To understand and write this content, I searched on steemit etc. and then I wrote them in my own words.

Love All Steemians

Special Thanks





#steemscan #steemexclusive #achievement5 #pakistan


Hello dear @steemitlover36 you have forgot to answer this question :

6.Please explain what information is provided by the "Search" feature?

Hey, I just noticed that you have published your achievement 5 task 3. Please complete this one by answering the last question.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 60934.92
ETH 3379.12
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.48