Achievement 4 - Use of markdowns

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago
Hello to all of you, friends of Steemit and the newcomers community. As required by the achievement that summons us here, in the following writing I will proceed to apply what markdowns are to give greater character, functionality and beauty to our publications. ________

Use of the markdowns

To formulate any publication, we must have a title or heading in mind, therefore, for these titles and headings to stand out in the text, we must place their respective marker. To achieve this we can use the following code: we can use the numerals [#] before the title to use it as a header. It is worth noting that the more numerals are entered, the smaller the header will be. So we can see how the headers are formed with the markdown in the following paragraph:

Steemit [#]

Steemit [##]

Steemit [###]

Stemit [####]

For any publication to have a greater enhancement, it is essential that we justify the text. The use of justified will organize the text in a more dynamic way, allowing the display of the reading to be less scattered and more orderly. For this reason, every text that we write must be accompanied by its respective justification.

To insert the markdown, we must enter the code that we place below:

As we were able to learn in #achievement3, it is very important that, when referencing writings by another author, we can cite them correctly. For this we will use the "greater than" symbol [>], leaving a space for the text that we want to quote. This ensures that we do not incur any unnecessary plagiarism.

"Your worst sin is that you have destroyed and betrayed yourself for nothing." Fyodor M. Dostoievsky.

On many occasions, especially when we extend ourselves in the writing of complex information, we will have to explain by listing the concepts that we wish to expose. To organize these points or subtexts, we will use the following character: [-]. With this code, we can list our text as follows:

Steps to join Steemit:

  • Go to

  • Create a new user.

  • Complete registration.

  • Download and save the file key

Do we want to highlight our publications even more? In order for our presentations to be more attractive and colorful, we cannot forget to accompany them with the use of visual supports that successfully complement and enhance everything we want to express in our writings. The use of images attached to the text is essential to achieve publications that stand out and achieve an impact and relevance on the platform.



Finally, to give our publications an even greater order, the use of blocks is recommended, either to describe two concepts that have some affinity, or also to compile the text in sections:

To insert a block we will do the following;

  • We will place a bar [|]
  • Followed by at least three spaces.
  • We will place a second bar [|]
  • We will re-insert at least three consecutive spaces.
  • We will place the third bar [|], to close the block.

We will repeat this according to the number of blocks we want to insert into the post.

It will look like this:

United States of AmericaWashington D. C.
United KingdomLondon

This was my post to reach #achievement4. I hope it has been to the liking of all of you, friends of the newcomers community.
 2 years ago 

Hi, @snoopdoggy,

Your post has been supported by @event-horizon from the Steem Greeter Team.

Your achievement task 4 has been verified. You may proceed to the next task at your convenience.

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Good evening @event-horizon thank you for the support. Regards

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