Achievement 3 by @shravana Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)

I want to thank @juichi and @wilmer1988 for aproving my previous two achievement post.
After the success of my previous 2 achievement post, now I am going to post my 3rd achievement task.
I will explain what is Plagiarism in my point of view.

What is Plagiarism

According to my point of view, Plagiarism is stealing of others works or idea or text or video. Stealing others content is a crime. For example, Using already published same content into your post is known as Plagiarism. There is also some types of Plagiarism.
Steemit only allows user to post original content to get higher reward. If anyone is plagiarised then acccount is muted from communities.

Types of plagiarism

these are the types

  • Direct Plagiarism
  • Self-Plagiarism
  • Paraphrasing - plagiarism
  • Mosaic Plagiarism

Direct Plagiarism
If the user takes the entire content from another user without changing or altering the original content and posting the same content is known as Direct Plagiarism.

If the user takes his own content from previous post to publish in a new post and doing repeatedly is known as Self Plagiarism.

Paraphrasing - plagiarism
If the original content from owner is changed or altered in some part and published as a new one is known as Paraphrasing - plagiarism.

Mosaic Plagiarism
If the content of one post is taken and published without properly citing is known as Mosaic Plagiarism.

How to avoid plagiarism

Image Source

First thing is to not to copy from others post or text or image. We need to be honest and not take content from other post . Plagiarism is a crime of stealing others work. So we did not do that and also very important is that to use the citation method and place the source link or website in it. So remember to put the quotes to the texts that are not of ours, and mention the author or owner of the texts.

"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.” ― Steven Wright

I have taken the quote from goodreads.

So try to avoid plagiarism and create and publish your own content. In some countries Plagiarism is serious crime because it is stealing ones idea. So post original content as much as possible.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

My Previous achievement links

Achievement 1

Achievement 2

Thank you


Hola @shravana, te felicito, has tomado la mejor decisión. Te deseo éxito en tus nuevas tareas y en tu carrera en Steemit.

•Te invito a nuestra comunidad DraftCrearte, una comunidad para expresar el artista que llevamos por dentro. Desde ya puede participar en los concursos de esta semana.

 2 years ago 

Excellent post. Keep it up....

Thank you

Please mention the source ...

"To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.” ― Steven Wright

Greetings @event-horizon,
As per your advice I have mentioned the source link

Your achievement task 3 has been successfully verified. You may proceed to the next task at your convenience.

Rate: R3

 2 years ago 

Hi, @shravana,

Your post has been supported by @event-horizon from the Steem Greeter Team.

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