in Newcomers' Community2 years ago

Assalamu Alaikum
I'm from Bangladesh


My contact:

My name is Md Shihab Sharar. My user id name is @sharar24. I am a citizen of Bangladesh. Resident of Dinajpur Sadar Police Station of Dinajpur District. There are 3 members in my family. My father is a teacher (Arabic lecturer in madrasa) and my mother is a housewife. I have no brothers and sisters. I am alone. My religion is Islam and I am the only child in the family.



I am a regular student of Class XII (New) of Government City College, Dinajpur. Currently I am a student of science department.
I have passed SSC from Daffodil Residential Model School Chiribandar Upazila with GPA-5. But I hope to pass HSC from Dinajpur City College and try to get admission in a good university and I want to pursue software engineer line with CSE in computer.

My hobby


Love to draw since childhood. I will try to stand beside the poor people and help them in my working life along with my studies.


Talking about sports I love to play badminton. During winter I play badminton with my elder brothers in my village. Sometimes I play cricket-football. Besides, I play chess in my spare time and spend time with my friends.



I also love to travel. I have never traveled outside my division but wish that in the future I would visit outside my division i.e. all over Bangladesh to see how beautiful my motherland is. I want to visit the world's biggest beach Cox's Bazar and Kuakata beach and Jaflong in Sylhet.

Finally, I want to say,
My dream is very big so I am trying to fulfill my dream. You all pray for me. May I fulfill all my dreams and hopes of my parents and do something for the public service of the country.

Facebook profile link :


Why have you created a new account?

 2 years ago 

My father was ill and my account was powered down to treat him. There was no power on the account. So I opened a new account and wanted to work. Later I spoke to Ripon and he asked me to speak to the Newcomers Admin. I spoke and he asked to run my previous account. Because of which I only want to run this account now.

How you got to know about Steemit?

 2 years ago 

My friend Nazmus Shakib. He told me about this platform. And he used to work in Amar Bengali blog community. So in the beginning I also worked in Amar Bengali blog community. Since I worked here for a long time. Learning about other communities makes me want to work. So now I want to work again.

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 2 years ago 

Thank you

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