Achievement3 by @saifulisalmkhan Task.|22-3-2023.Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Communitylast year

Greetings To All My Friends:

Wishing you a good day, I am sharing with you people Achievement 3 so as an task am sharing my thoughts and knowledge about content Etiquette and plagiarism thank you.

Content Etiquette:

Content etiquette refers to the set of rules and guidelines that govern how individuals should behave when creating and sharing content online. The following are some key considerations for practicing good content etiquette:

Respect copyright:

When creating content, it's essential to ensure that you're not infringing on anyone's intellectual property rights. This means that you should only use images, videos, and other media that you have the right to use or that are in the public domain.

Be truthful:

It's important to be honest and transparent when creating and sharing content. Avoid spreading false information or exaggerating the truth to gain attention.

Avoid plagiarism:

When creating content, it's important to cite your sources properly and avoid copying content from others without permission.

Be respectful:

When interacting with others online, it's important to be respectful and avoid engaging in harmful or hurtful behavior. This includes avoiding hate speech, trolling, and cyberbullying.

What is plagiarism:

Lumii_20230322_155952435.jpgPlagiarism is the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without giving them proper credit or permission. It is a form of intellectual theft and is considered unethical and often illegal.

Plagiarism can take many forms, including:

Copying and pasting text from a source without attribution.
Paraphrasing someone else's work without giving proper credit.
Using someone else's ideas or research without citing them.
Using images, videos, or other media without permission or proper attribution.
Submitting someone else's work as your own.
Plagiarism can have serious consequences, including legal action, academic penalties, and damage to your reputation. To avoid plagiarism, it's important to always give credit where credit is due and to properly cite your sources when using someone else's work.

How can we avoid Plagiarism?

Lumii_20230322_162701050.pngTo avoid plagiarism, you can follow these guidelines:

1 Use your own words:

When paraphrasing or summarizing someone else's work, use your own words to express the ideas.

2 Use quotation marks:

When using direct quotes from a source, use quotation marks and properly cite the source.

3 Cite your sources:

Whenever you use someone else's work, whether it is a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary, make sure to cite the source properly. This includes citing the author, date, and page number if applicable.
Use plagiarism checkers: There are many online plagiarism checkers available that can help you detect any instances of plagiarism in your work.

4 Be aware of common knowledge:

Common knowledge is information that is widely known and accepted. It doesn't need to be cited. However, if you're unsure whether something is common knowledge, it's always best to cite your sources.

what is Citation:

Citations are references to the sources of information used in a piece of writing. They provide readers with the necessary information to locate and verify the sources used in the work. Citations typically include the author's name, the title of the work, the date of publication, and the publisher or website where the work was found.
Citations can appear in several forms, including:
In-text citations: These are citations that appear within the body of the text and are used to identify the source of a particular quote or idea.

Example of citations:

APA Citation Example

Sure, here's an example of a citation in APA style:

Book citation:
Smith, J. K. (2010). The Power of Positive Thinking. Random House.

In-text citation:
According to Smith (2010), positive thinking can have a significant impact on one's life.


Positive thinking can have a significant impact on one's life (Smith, 2010).

have read and better to know about Steemit content Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them".

Thank you beautiful people read my post.

 last year (edited)

Hello @saifulislamkhan Using AI to write content is as bad as plagiarism itself. And you seem to generate this task using AI:




Three different Ai tool indicate that most part of your text is generated with Ai. You have to edit this task and complete it all by yourself, make a quotation and properly cite the source.

Note: Steemit is a proof of brain and not this, you need to learn how to write by yourself. Tag me when you edit the post.


thank you for this notification, I hope @saifulislamkhan to fix it soon and not do practices that are not allowed in steemit

 last year 

Hello @goodybest I have complete my achievement 3 you have to check I hope my account ready for verification if need any requirement just let me know

 last year 


I would like to welcome you on this beautiful platform wholeheartedly.

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I love to welcome you to our community. As I can see you have shared some awesome photographs and our community is based on art and culture.

So it would be our pleasure to have you in our community with many more great photographs.

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@piya3 (moderator)
Incredible India community

 last year 

Please @goodybest response me

 last year 

Hello @steemitblog I have complete my achievement 3 you have to check I hope my account ready for verification if need any requirement just let me know

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