Achievement 5 Task 1 by @rayan654 : Review

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Subsequent to checking my achievement 4 four, today I will do the main errand of my achievement 5.I have perused its fundamental focuses from the post of the dear @cryptokannon which is exceptionally helpful.

Achievement 5 Task 1 by @rayan654.png

Lets start accomplishment 5 TASK 1

◀please disclose how to genuinely take a look at the award rundown of all time,Lats 30 days and most recent 7 days of your record ?▶

As a matter of first importance type

After that you click on the choice sign in that are on its highest point. Put your client name in it and furthermore glue the posting key beneath your name. After sign into steem world an interface is open that I show you in an image underneath.


After that open the dashboard and in the a dashboard you see an alternative of remuneration outline from which you can see your perivious awards ever, most recent 30 days and most recent 7 days.


◀Please clarify what is delegations,the sort of assignments and how we delegate Sp?▶

Delegation is an approach to share your Steam Power(SP). you can share your Steam Power(Sp) with somebody is to utilize it to cast a ballot, remark and do different exercises.

||Incoming Delegation||
On the off chance that we take steam power from one more client to build our steam power, it is called approaching Delegation.

||Outgoing Delegation||
In the event that we give our steam capacity To one more client to expand their force, it will be called active designation.

How we Delegate Sp
first open the steem and sign in.

click the dashboard choice.




In which you see se a choice designation Just snap on delegate put the client name you need to appoint and ok.your sp will delegate to other client.


◀How to check incoming and outgoing votes, please explain this with screeshot of both votes for your account ?▶

Assuming we need to know the quantity of our approaching and friendly votes, we initially need to tap on the dashboard, then, at that point we need to go to the vote alternative inside, after which we will know the number of individuals We have casted a ballot and the number of individuals we have casted a ballot. Cordial votes disclose to us who we decided in favor of and approaching show individuals casted a ballot us.





◀How we check account activities for as far back as 7 days and what all subtleties be checked?▶

In the event that we open our dashboard, we will likewise see the choice of record activity there and in it we know which tasks we have done for us and what we have done for us. He mentions to us what we've posted and what we've remarked on.


As you can find in this image they disclose to us the number of acquire we have from which post and furthermore the subtleties.



◀Please clarify Author,curation and benificiary Rewards likewise notice most recent 7 days rewards?▶

Aurthor Reward
This sort of remuneration is recieve by the creator for a blog post.Through reward summry in your dashboard symbol you can check the quantity of remuneration you have procured. This prizes are in steem and SBD rely for you setting.

Curation Rewards
This sort of remunerations recieved when you upvotes and values another auther post.

Beneficiray rewards
These sort of remunerations are recieved on an exceptional blog post.the creator need to add the recepient account name.



◀How you can check your upvote power and at various democratic, loads utilizing this tool?▶

The force of your vote relies upon your steam power(SP). The more your steam power, the more remarkable your vote will be. The less your steem power (SP), the less you will have. My Sp isn't so high beacuse I'm new in this stage.



Thanks for check my achievement.


Hi i am Sumit one of the team member of Steem Greeter.

I am happy to announce that i have successfully verified your achievement 5.1 post. Now you are eligible for performing your next achievement task.



 3 years ago 

Hay mr. @sumit71428 I have finished my achievement 5 Task 3 about Review Steemyy yesterday. But no confirmation until today.
This is my achievement Click here 🙏

 3 years ago 

Hi, @rayan654,

Your post has been supported by @nattybongo from the Steem Greeter Team.

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