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in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

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Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work.



    With this type of plagiarism, the work of someone else is simply paraphrased without proper citation. It’s often difficult to detect because the plagiarized material is interwoven with many different sources, including the writer’s own ideas and perspective.

This type of paraphrasing can be done from one or several sources. The writer may try to change up the sentence structure or use synonyms to make it seem original. However, taking the idea of another piece is still plagiarism, even if the words are switched up a bit and intermingled with original thought.

    Paraphrasing, or incremental plagiarism, is the most common type of plagiarism. It’s similar to the mosaic plagiarism style mentioned above. However, the difference is that the copied work isn’t mixed in with new concepts and research. When you paraphrase the original idea in your own words, the borrowed material stays the same throughout the new piece.

    Complete plagiarism is more common in academic writing than in content marketing or other types of online writing. This type of plagiarism occurs when someone tries to submit an entire research paper as their own without proper attribution.

For example, this involves copying and pasting the original work in its exact words. The only thing that is changed is the author’s name.

    Also known as auto-plagiarism, self-plagiarism happens when you copy your own writing, whether intentional or not. Often the person in a self-plagiarism incident is summarizing or repurposing their own work instead of writing a whole new piece from scratch on the same topic.

Many people think self-plagiarism is harmless because you aren’t stealing from someone else. Just yourself. But, this type of plagiarism can be just as damaging as any other.

For example, if you are writing web pages and you are caught plagiarizing, you could end up getting penalized by Google for duplicate content.

Or, if you are writing for clients, your words may no longer belong to you. This could even result in potential legal issues if it is a breach of your client contract.

    Plagiarism doesn’t always happen on purpose. It’s still considered plagiarism when someone copies another’s writing without citing their source, improperly cites the source or leaves out quotation marks on accident. Just because the omission or incorrect citation was accidental doesn’t mean plagiarism hasn’t been committed. This is why it’s important to check any work and when in doubt, give your source credit.

    This type of plagiarism refers to instances when misleading sources are involved. For example, the writer may have two sources of information but only reference one. Another form of source-based plagiarism would be when an author quotes a non-existent or incorrect source.

The worst type of this kind of plagiarism is when sources are fabricated. Making up information like study findings or statistics is extremely misleading and can even be harmful in the case of medical content.

    Direct plagiarism, also known as verbatim or copy-paste plagiarism, is an intentional and unethical form of stealing content. As the name suggests, the writing is stolen word for word and pasted into the new piece. The author then tries to pass off the content as their own. A word or two might be changed, but this type of plagiarism is too blatant to be considered paraphrasing.

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Don't just copy

In your writing, describe other people's ideas or results (using references) and their importance to your argument, rather than simply copying what you've read. Avoid using cut and paste options in electronic material as this encourages you to simply copy what you've read word for word.

Use a range of sources

Don't just limit yourself to using one source when writing your assignments. Discussing ideas from a range of sources shows that you have read widely and that you are able to formulate your own views based on your reading. Remember, important sources can be available in print and electronic format.

Develop your own style

You should develop your own style of writing during your time at University. Try to be concise and clear. Using the words of another author will stand out from the rest of your work and may alert lecturers to possible plagiarism.

Keep good quality notes

If you are making notes from your sources, remember to put direct quotations in quotation marks and always keep a note of your sources. This will help to ensure that you do not accidentally plagiarise. It also makes collating your references much easier when writing your assignments. You can keep track of your references using a tool such as Endnote Web.

Use quotation marks

If you do want to quote a short extract from another author's words exactly, make sure you enclose these words in quotation marks to indicate that it is a direct quote. Direct quotes should be used sparingly and shouldn't include large amounts of text. They should be used where you are identifying an key idea or highlighting the place where you found the particular idea you are using. Don't forget if you are using someone else's ideas in your work you need to show this by referencing it.

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Destroyed Student Reputation

Plagiarism allegations can cause a student to be suspended or expelled. Their academic record can reflect the ethics offense, possibly causing the student to be barred from entering college from high school or another college. Schools, colleges, and universities take plagiarism very seriously. Most educational institutions have academic integrity committees who police students. Many schools suspend students for their first violation. Students are usually expelled for further offences.

Destroyed Professional Reputation
A professional business person, politician, or public figure may find that the damage from plagiarism follows them for their entire career. Not only will they likely be fired or asked to step down from their present position, but they will surely find it difficult to obtain another respectable job. Depending on the offense and the plagiarist’s public stature, his or her name may become ruined, making any kind of meaningful career impossible.

Destroyed Academic Reputation

The consequences of plagiarism have been widely reported in the world of academia. Once scarred with plagiarism allegations, an academic’s career can be ruined. Publishing is an integral part of a prestigious academic career. To lose the ability to publish most likely means the end of an academic position and a destroyed reputation.

Legal Repercussions

The legal repercussions of plagiarism can be quite serious. Copyright laws are absolute. One cannot use another person’s material without citation and reference. An author has the right to sue a plagiarist. Some plagiarism may also be deemed a criminal offense, possibly leading to a prison sentence. Those who write for a living, such as journalists or authors, are particularly susceptible to plagiarism issues. Those who write frequently must be ever-vigilant not to err. Writers are well-aware of copyright laws and ways to avoid plagiarism. As a professional writer, to plagiarize is a serious ethical and perhaps legal issue.

Monetary Repercussions

Many recent news reports and articles have exposed plagiarism by journalists, authors, public figures, and researchers. In the case where an author sues a plagiarist, the author may be granted monetary restitution. In the case where a journalist works for a magazine, newspaper or other publisher, or even if a student is found plagiarizing in school, the offending plagiarist could have to pay monetary penalties.

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