Achievement 3 task content etiquette

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago

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After the successful verification of my Achievement 2 ,I am here to complete my Achievement 3 that about content etiquette. So without any delay I am going to do my achievement 3.

What is Plagiarism

  • Plagiarism is actually taking the ideas of others without giving them credits. plagiarism occurs due to lack of knowledge about the rules and regulations. Sometimes people present their idea as a new idea but it comes from existing ones. This is also plagiarism
  • In simple words plagiarism is a fraud that you take other data or stealing of data by laying and presenting it as its own data.

To engage in downright plagiarism is disappointing. It's cynical, opportunistic and hypocritical.

Disadvantage of plagiarism

Plagiarism has different bad impression in different fields.

  • If you are student then you will fail if your Plagiarism is captured.
  • If you are working in company then you will loose your reputation.
  • If you are dealing with someone then you will loose your trust and no body will work with you again.
  • Plagiarism will ruin your carrier.

Types of plagiarism

Although there are many types of plagiarism but major types or givem below.

Direct plagiarism

This type of plagiarism occur when you directly take the data from someone else and published as its own data. This is extreme Level pf plagiarism and it is crime.

Self plagiarism

Self plagiarism occurs when you took your own old data and published it twice without any changes, and without the permission of your instructor.

Mosaic Plagiarism

This type of plagiarism occurs when someone unintentionally miss the putting of data that taken from others into quotes. Although it occurs unintentionally but this is also crime

How to avoid plagiarism

  • You must keep the source of your data and put that source along with the data.
  • Always keep notes of your work so you may not done plagiarism unintentionally.
  • always gives proper time to your work and didn't do it urgently.
  • Always use plagiarism checker software to check weather there is plagiarism or not.
    "I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

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