Achievement 3 //Content Etiquette by @rajasalman1

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone i ma @rajasalman1 and I hope you all will be fine and you are all welcome to my post which about Achievement 3 post.As I have passed the first two achievements nicely and now I am here to submit my third achievement with a new devotion.
Now the achievement about which we are going to learn and discuss is about plagrism and I think its a important achievement because in it we will learn why we not steal hard work of anyone without any credit and source.



What is copy paste or Plagiarism?

Now we are going to discuss the term Plagiarism. Plagrism means to steal and pass off others hardwork and thoughts In simple words, plagiarism is a kind of words robbery and not only words robber but also other data in the form of pictures etc.
And I think it's a process in which you take something from another person, such as an article picture and a quotation, and use it in your article. In return, you don't give it credit or use the source.And in this way you become entitled to the property of others.You can do this temporarily, but later it can be a problem for both of you.

Authentic types of Plagrism

There are many kinds of plagiarism but some main kind are :

  • Direct plagiarism
  • Remix plagiarism
  • Accidental plagiarism
  • Clone Plagiarism

Threats of Plagiarism

Now we should also discuss about the threats of this evil.

  • The main consequence is that it can cause of destruction of professional reputation
  • It can also cause to dull or destroy the authentication of the material.

Tips to avoid the Plagiarism

source of copied material:

If you want to be secure you have to put a link of material(text,phrase,images,quotes,etc) .This thing is important to give the credit of the material to the real owner and it is beneficial for dual members And by doing so, the real owner gets encouragement.


If you write something in the form of paragraphing, then it automatically generates more and more ideas and thoughts in your mind I think by doing this way things like copyright or copy paste can be avoided. And secondly, writing a paragraph in the form of a lion creates beauty in an article or blog and thus easier to read.

Use Plagiarism checkers

And the most important thing to avoid plagiarism is that whenever you write your article or blog, you must use a website like Duplicate checker The biggest advantage of making this website is that you will know exactly where you are using copypaste, where your mistake is coming, you can fix it at the same time and post it again.

Why steemit is preventing plagiarism?

Steemit is preventing people from plagiarism in order to create a transparent and clean system So that anyone who works on this platform can work in a unique and clean way.

My Opinion about Plagiarism

In my opinion if we avoid such kind of evil which is plagiarism we can enhance our creativity and writing skills and and we can also improve our language by writing our own articles and blogs. And now it is a matter of where to get free pictures, for that there are also free websites below, but here also you have to provide the source of the link below them to avoid plagiarism.
Allowed websites for free pics:

  • freepik
  • pixabay
  • u splash
  • pixels

At the end

Now I hope you are fully aware about plagiarism and I also hope that it will be a helpful post for you.

Citation Method

This flower is originally from Southern Asia and also is very popular in whole word. It has a charming beauty and is commonly used in decoration and also for beauty purpose. Also, the hydrangea is an ideal flower for creating garland or spray since it provides lots of volume and texture.

"And I have also read and understood about plagiarism and i hope i will try my best to avoid from this and all newcomer members also do this"

Special Mentions:

@cryptokannon ,
Thanks all of you to stop here for visiting my post.

Have a nice day!

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