Achievement 1 Introduction to Newcomers Community |17-02-2023| @qasim78

in Newcomers' Communitylast year (edited)

Hello everyone i hope you all are well. Today i am going to post my achievement 1 post here for verification. so i hope you guys welcome me to this platform-THANK YOU


My Introduction:

My name is Muhammad Qasim and i am 20 years old' and i love together the knowledge of upcoming technology such as (AI) and i love cars and in 20 year i modified 2 my favorite car and enjoy a lot in it and i love travelling and many more...


My country

I am from Pakistan and currently living in Peshawar and basically from Hangu. I shifted just because of quality Education, and for advance life. The district takes its name from the town of Hangu, which is its administrative centre. The name Hangu may also sometimes be applied to the Miranzai Valley which is partly within the district, bordering the Samana Range.



I recently cleared FSC and now i am in medical field im actually NEUROSURGEN a medical doctor who diagnoses and treats conditions that effect your nervous system, including your brain, spinal cord and nerves. and in future i will do some of specialty in medical neurosurgery to help humanity.


Hobby And passion

my hobby is traveling i love to visit different countries especially Turk, Bulgaria, dubai and modified car.
my hobby is related to medical field like neurosurgeon, anesthesia, ICU and i want to make a mechanic of human machine-THANK YOU


Experience with Crypto

i was in to crypto in 2019 when i first discovered app named "Binance"Then i start collecting knowledge about crypto currencies and then start to invest a particular amount of money in crypto to gain some practical experiences Then after getting some real experience from crypto market i wanted to study about block chain and now am working on block chain.


What sort of post i would post on steemit

I would post related medical, travelling, crypto market, new inventions and daily news.

How i found steemit

My mentor named @hamzayousafzai invite me to join steemit community. and he is also working on steemit since 1 year. and hope to explore creativity and learning....

My social media accounts

my facebook link

 last year 

Congratulations on your achievement and welcome to the Steemit platform, Muhammad! It's great to see your enthusiasm and passion for upcoming technology, cars, and traveling. Your introduction and photos are impressive, and it's inspiring to see how you're pursuing your passion in the medical field as a neurosurgeon.

It's excellent to see that you have a wide range of interests, including crypto markets, new inventions, and daily news, and I'm sure the Steemit community will appreciate your insights and perspectives. It's also fantastic to hear that you found Steemit through your mentor @hamzayousafzai, who has been working on the platform for a year. I hope you enjoy your time on Steemit, explore your creativity, and learn from the community. Best of luck with your future endeavors

 last year 

thank you @nooruleman

 last year 

welcome to steemit

 last year 

thank u @adilkhann


welcome to steemit.. i hope my steemit course on Udemy will helpful for you.

 last year 

i am thank full to u my dear teacher

 last year 

Welcome brother

 last year 

thank you brother

 last year 

Hello @Qasim78 you're welcome to Steemit platform please for your achievement to be verified, I need you to upload a selfie photo with your friend @hamzayousafzai under this comment hold A verification paper with current date written on it and your country. Also drop the link to your other social media handles.

you both @qasim78 @hamzaarhann come to Academy tomorrow for the selfie with me. @goodybest they are learning Steemit from my Udemy course. in the future, many of my students are going to join the steemit.
Screenshot (1643).png

 last year 

Okay that will be nice

@goodybest please also check his profile he is my another student..

 last year 

Hello @goodybest as for your instruction i took picture with @hamzayousafzai i hope now my aaccount will be ready for verification if need any requirements just let me know
WhatsApp Image 2023-02-19 at 7.43.24 PM.jpeg

 last year 

hello @goodybest kindly verified my achievement 1 i have complete the task to take selfie with my mentor @hamzayousafzai.

 last year 

@goodybest you say i did click selfie with my mentor @hamzayousafzai with each requirement you ask for the curent date, my country name, username and steemit...Thanks

 last year 

Congratulations on your achievement, Muhammad Qasim! It's great to see you introducing yourself to the community and sharing your interests and aspirations. Your passion for technology, cars, and traveling is evident in your post, and it's interesting to learn that you have already modified two of your favorite cars.

It's also inspiring to hear about your educational pursuits, and your ambition to become a neurosurgeon is admirable. Your hobbies and passion for the medical field make for a unique combination, and it's clear that you have a diverse set of interests.

It's exciting to hear that you plan to share your knowledge and experiences on Steemit, and your potential posts on medical topics, travel, crypto, and news sound intriguing. I'm sure the Steemit community will appreciate your insights and perspectives, and I look forward to seeing what you have to share in the future. Welcome to the platform and all the best for your future endeavors!

 last year 

thank u @abyousafzai

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