The value of life and Nigerian situation

in Newcomers' Community4 years ago


A problem shared is a problem half solved. It is very pertinent that the value of human life in our Country has made the sixth commandment to have a question mark. The value of human life is been neglected, peoples lives are been taken away at any moment without any serious effort to prevent it by those we voted to take care of our properties and our lives from external attack.
In this small writeup we shall see what human life means from the fundamental point of view, how we have shifted away from what it suppose to be and how also we can restore it again. No one is perfect we are only making effort to achieve perfection.

Human life is a precious gift that we received directly from God. God after creating everything he said let us create man in our image and likeness that means we are of God's image and no one should tamper with his life. He made a prohibition that we should not take away our life and that of other human beings.
The initial purpose for creating man is accompany each other that is for companionship and never to be a wolf to one another. It is our task to sustain and nurture the life of human beings in which he created out of nothing because life is sacred, life is precious and we should defend it.
In our present situations are we still defending that life, the next sub heading may give little answer to it.


The value of human life in our Country today puts a serious question mark on the sixth commandment of God that says do not kill. The rate at which lives are been wasted in our Country today in nothing to write home about. It is true that covid is seriously destroying lives but the major covid we have in Nigeria is not the actual virus but Fulani herdmen, Boko haram and our so called leaders in which we voted in to represent us and protect us from external actions. It was said that the law court


is the last hope of common man but looking at our present situation is it still true? When our leaders that suppose to protect us were those killing us without any mercy.
No good hospital to treat our health issues but each time we hear that the President traveled to London for one checkup or the other, even ordinary local government chairman cannot treat himself in Nigeria, the poor people die everyday because of lack of proper treatment.
Poor feeding maintenance, many people die because of hunger due to lack of food why some are wasting foods. The palliatives that were distributed to alleviate hunger during the heat of Covid our leaders packed the food waiting for election periods to use them for campaign let us value human life. We commit murder without knowing because when you deny somebody what he suppose to eat at each moment you commit passive Euthanasia that I'd why many people die at the young age. It is never too late to start again to value the importance of human life because inasmuch we are still alive we still have the chance to make amend.

A problem known and shared is a problem half solved. As we have known and shared our problems about the value of human life in our country, let us now see how we can restore it again.
To restore properly the value of human life in our country we should first of all reconstruct our mindsets about the morality behind the human life. How can we do that?
EDUCATION: Proper education helps us to have a sound knowledge of what human life is all about because most us have lost the proper concept of what human life is all about. We can proper education if our leaders equipped our schools with the necessary things that should be in school. When the necessary things needed are put in place then the value of human life will be surely restored.

GOOD LEADERSHIP: The leaders should go back and implement the basic aim of creating government for proper restoration of the value of human life in our country.

Let our hospitals be hospitals and not clinic. The reason is that if our hospitals are well equipped so many lives will be restored.

JOB OPPORTUNITY: The creation of job opportunity will go along way to alleviate poverty, kidnapping etc, in our country and restore the value of human life.

Having seen all that was said here, it is now left on us to implement them for the betterment of our Country and also to keep to the sixth commandment. The restoration of human life in our country is in our hands, when we start doing what we suppose to do then the dignity and value of human life will be restored in our society. Thanks.

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