in Newcomers' Community2 days ago (edited)

Hello and Good morning to all my follow steemians, Once again this is Mr Joseph Esekung.

I want to use this medium to commend and appreciate all my follow male steemians who are happyly married for always making out time to assists your wivies despite your hectic work schedule. Talking about our wivies, this is my own soulmate.

It is Naturally and generally believed that its the duties of the head of the family ( The man) to work outside the home and by so doing provide this family with their basic needs and at times even their wants, and in process leaving the home, house and its affairs such as caring for the children, preparing the family meals, doing the lundary and the general cleaning of the house to the wife.
But it is interesting and noteworthy to say that due the economic down turn of most countries of the world around us like my own (Nigeria) many family and household requires that both husband and wife work full time in order to make their ends met. Now the big question is: who handles or takes care of the home and house chores? Sadly most people, husbands and even the society at large still execpts the wife to do the Job. Now it is worthy of note that this mentality and viewpoint is wrong and its having a negative effects on the on our wives and the female gender as a whole, and as much there is a need for change both in our viewpoint and attitude towards the home and its management.
For many who can afford it, the idea of hiring someone else (maid) is vary ideal. For some couples, hiring a maid may be a practical solution that allows them to focus on other things or lessen work related stress, many experiences, studies and even my own personal experience shows that rather than relying solely on hiring the services of a maid, if i as a husband should made it my habit of assisting my beloved soulmate with household duties like washing of the dishes , doing the laundry, perparing the children for school and even helping with preparing the family meals goes a long way to strengthen the bond between couples, gives a greater sense of teamwork and goes a long way to lighten the burden of balancing work, family and household duties and reduces the mental and emotional load and stress on my wife and i strongly belived that i has done the same for you all.
So for those who may not yet had this experience, pls make out the time to assist your beloved wife, i know its not easy given your busy work schedule, i promise you will be happy you did. And for those of us who has been doing this i want to say a big THANK YOU, and keep it up. Let us all continue to show affection and apprection for our beloved wivies by assisting with household duties, for this will go a way long to show that we really mean it when we say I LOVE YOU.

 17 hours ago 

Interesting article @princejoe, but you published in a wrong community, just copy this post and paste it somewhere and delete this one here because the Newcomers' community is only for introduction posts and progress reports. You can make the post in any other community and on your blog.

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