Achievement 3 by @prakhar9675;- content etiquettes:-

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)
Hey everyone this is @prakhar9675. This is my achievement 3 post which is related to content etiquettes.

In this post I will tell you what plagiarism is?


So let's get to the point:-

What is plagiarism

There are many different definition of plagiarism in different dictionaries.

For example:-
As per Google plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own


But in simple words I can say that:- stealing someone's work, idea or thought and represent that as if it is yours, is plagiarism.

There is another class of people who believe that by giving credit to the original person, one can avoid the consequences of plagiarism. But there is another class that this is not appropriate as them anyone can steal anyone's hard work and can avoid the consequences by simply giving credit in that work.

So the definition of plagiarism also differs from one's perspective.

Types of plagiarism

Now there are many types of plagiarism

  • Direct plagiarism
  • Self plagiarism
  • Mosaic plagiarism
  • Accidental plagiarism

Direct plagiarism:- When someone copies word to word from any content and represent that as one's work, then it is called Direct plagiarism.

But as this type of plagiarism is very easy to check as there are many plagiarism checker which can easily detect these types of plagiarism, that's why this type of plagiarism is not usually done anyone.

Self plagiarism:- self plagiarism is the type of plagiarism in which one copy its own previous work and represent that as if he has done it recently. Then this type of plagiarism is called self plagiarism.

Mosaic plagiarism:- Mosaic plagiarism is the type of plagiarism in which anyone copies work of someone else and just changes words of the phrase and use synonyms of the meaning and keeps the structure, like headlines and points, intact. And by doing this one may also escape the detection from plagiarism checker.

Accidental plagiarism:- when someone uses general language in any content but similar content is also present anywhere on the web. Or accidentally denotes wrong source for any content. Then it falls under this category.

What should be done to avoid plagiarism

To avoid plagiarism one should ensure that everything that is being written by him is one's original content and should also remember if he is taking inspiration from anywhere then one should give the owner it's credit.

Example of plagiarism free post

Now in this section I will try to write a plagiarism free post on a general topic.

Importance of dance:-

Dance, you must be familiar with this word and what does it mean. Many of us thinks that dance is not important part of life. But dance is important.
Dance keeps a person healthy.

download (2).jpeg

Once when I was watching Mahabharata and in that a prince, son of King virat, says to his sister that dance Is only for those who don't know war. And as he was a warrior, he doesn't need dance skills.
Then Arjuna, who was in exile and sas distinguished as a girl, said that dance is even important in warfare.

Then he challenged that prince to attack with swords on him and he had to protect only with dance skill.
Then Arjuna not only saved himself but also defeated that prince.

And then Arjuna said:- dance in peace gives you peace and dance in anger is enough for destroying the whole world and he soughted the example of Tandava of shiv ji.
Thus we can say that dance is important for everything.

So that's all from my side. Hope you all are satisfied with my answer.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

 3 years ago 

Please add the Quotes " " because you have copied it from someone else.

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them

 3 years ago 

Oh yeah. Sorry I forgot.
Initially there were " " but when I applied markdowns I forgot why I add these so I removed. 😬😬😬

So is it okay now??

 3 years ago 

So please verify this achievement if it's okay so that I can move further.

Thank you...

 3 years ago 

Congratulations! You have been verified for this task and you may proceed to the next achievement task at your convenience.
Please visit this post for guidance about your next Achievement

 3 years ago 

Congratulations ! All the best to complete all achievements

 3 years ago 

Hi, @prakhar9675,

Your post has been supported by @wilmer1988 from the Steem Greeter Team.

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