Achievement 3 by @oguzvic Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


Plagiarism could be referred to as a fraudulent act of using other people's work without citing or giving them the deserved credit.



Plagiarism involves stealing or copying someone's work or idea without referencing the original owner. It is considered a serious offence.

In addition, plagiarism could also include images, audio, and videos.
Using any of the above mentioned in your work without adequately getting proper permission or citation can count as plagiarism.

Plagiarism could involve:

Including a little amount of a plagiarized content in an original work.

Stealing another person's entire work.

Copying words and ideas from several sources and compiling them into a totally new work.

The following could also be taken as plagiarism:

  • Turning in someone else's work as your own

  • Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit

  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks

  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation

  • Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit

  • Copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not.

Plagiarism is a serious issue that has to be stemmed.

Engaging in plagiarism is capable of spoiling your reputation. It can also cause you legal issues.

You could lose a lot of money just because you did not give credit to the original owner of the content.

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them.

Special appreciation to:

 3 years ago 

Well noted out sir plagiarism must come to an end✊

 2 years ago 

Hello @oguzvic, you have fulfilled all the criteria for achievement 3 task and consequently your achievement 3 task has been successfully verified.

You may now proceed to the next achievement task. Keep following @steemitblog for more updates.

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