Achievement3:@nurdeen Content ettiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


Fellow steamians, thank God for being so good to do my achievement one and two. I am hereby to present my achievement3 to all members in the newcomers’ community. I am going to elaborate more on plagiarism and paraphrasing as this task must be accomplished. This is also part of the beginner task for improvement and learning in the cryptocurrency world of success. I would talk more on the key words to elaborate on .
Plagiarism is the copying of one’s words and content to be used as your own words and content. Plagiarism does not develop individual thinking ability and thus bring laziness. To use one’s content and words, put those words in quotation marks and mention the author’s name.
Bad effects of plagiarism
There are numerous effects of plagiarism, some are of them listed below.
**Plagiarism tarnishes one’s image: copying of contents from other people can easily make you lose your respect. As this does not show how knowledgeable you are.
**It is a crime in academics: everyone and his/her thought. Different people with the same content shows one has copied the other. This can lead to cancellation of work or penalization.
**plagiarism shows how laziness a person is: using other people content as your own writing spell out your laziness to the people. As steemit user laziness and your works must be parallel. As this would show your understanding of the rules and your hard work in the platform.
**plagiarism limit a person’s creativity and the world improvement. Constant having ideas of others retires our progress in this world. Creation of new thoughts through reading others content is not considered as plagiarism. This would bring improvement to our life and a comfortable living on this earth.
Solutions to plagiarism
**sticking to our rules: all penalties placed on persons being plagiarise must be obeyed. This would be the right tool for creativity and development of our own ideas. On this community, plagiarism and the likes are not tolerated.
**using of your own words in your contents: always use your own words in your contents and posts. Using of images from other sources, paste the link to the images below.
Paraphrasing is changing words in the content of one’s work to be used as your work. This is similar to plagiarism and have the same penalties as it.
I want to thank us all in the newcomers community. We would try to obey all the rules and be supportive in steemit improvement and development.
I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community and will do my best to embrace them.
Thank you.

 3 years ago 

Please add the remark,

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

at the end of this task post.
Once you are done reply to my comment so I can verify.

 3 years ago 

Thank you @fombae i did the corrections and please my achievement1 and two too are not verified yet

Hi @nurdeen do you know how to give citation or source to any of the article that you are referring to on your post? For example this > sign before a words/sentences that you are referring to so it look like this

hi this is the post I'm referring to

then using this markdown [source](website links to article you are referring to) so it will look like this Source

Make sure you use this important citation/markdown on your post so you are safe from plagiarism accussation.

 3 years ago 

thank you, i will do the right thing to be free from the plagiarism

 3 years ago 

thank you i have make the correction

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