@nseabasi: Content Etiquette, Task for Achievement 3

in Newcomers' Community10 months ago (edited)


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Welcome to my blog today, it is my ultimate pleasure to write my achievements 3 task today, while I was introduced to Steemit Community, the first warning message was plagiarism which is totally unacceptable I was willingly to abide by it and here I am presenting My achievement 3 highlight on the word PLAGIARISM
I am going to share my knowledge about it, read along.



According to Oxford Dictionary- "Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own"
This is an act of stealing, infringement of copyright, theft, appropriation, poaching etc.


Source: bowdoin.edu/dean-of-students/con...
1. DIRECT PLAGIARISM: Direct plagiarism is the word-for-word transcription of section of someone else's work, without attribution and without quotation marks.

2. SELF PLAGIARISM: Self plagiarism occurs when a student submits his or her own previous work or mixes parts of previous works without permission from all professors involved.


image source

3. MOSAIC PLAGIARISM: It happened when a researcher borrows one phrases from a source and ignorantly avoid using quotation marks, or finding its synonyms for the main writer while keeping to the same and overall general structure and meaning of the origin.

4. ACCIDENTAL PLAGIARISM: Accidental plagiarism occurs when a person neglects to cite their sources, or misquotes their sources, or unintentionally paraphrases a source by using similar words, groups of words and/or sentence structure without attribution".


  1. This is to say plagiarism done intentionally is unethical, unprofessional, academically dishonest, ground for disciplinary actions, therefore one must learn how to cite their sources and to take careful and accurate notes when doing research and posting.

  2. Post may likely delay for approval or ignored.

  3. Your standard of education seems low and as such describe you as thief.


From my research on plagiarism and mostly experience read on Steemit Community, I am vividly draw conclusion that content Etiquette or plagiarism is rule and regulations a researcher must adopt intentionally to avoid unnecessary punishment or an action that may decay his/her copyright and time wasted. It is most pertinent for every post copied, either by words, imagery, photos, trade marking, etc to have citation or source.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette and Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"*

 10 months ago (edited)

hi @nseabasi

Thank you for completing achievement 3 task, you need to add examples of image quotes and text quotes, to avoid plagiarism.

good luck

 10 months ago 

Hello @heriadi thankyou so much for the immense observation, I am much grateful.
Mistakes now corrected

 10 months ago 

Hello @heriadi awaiting a response. Thankyou

 10 months ago 

Thank you for publishing your post a warm welcome from @crowd1, thank you for your delightful and lovely article, you have good writing skills✍️. Join our vibrant steemit community for engaging discussions, valuable insights, and exciting contests! Connect with fellow steemians and unlock endless possibilities. Let's grow together! JoinOurCommunityCrowd1
Crowd1 booster community
Happy writing and good fortune🤝

 10 months ago 

Thank you @crowd1

 10 months ago 

Hello @nseabasi you've shown proficient knowledge of this task so you're verified. Continue to be original and authentic, be consistent and you can be writing other posts too. I'm inviting you to start with your daily game and always use #newcomer as one of your first 4 tags. You may proceed to the next achievement task #4

Rate: 2

 10 months ago 

Hy @goodybest am grateful.

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