Achievement 5 Task 2 by @negro-bby

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


Hello welcome to my blog, here I will discussing on how to make use of steemscan, which I've made some review about and understand it well

Understanding of Steemscan based on the following questions:

Please explain the current Steem price and volumes on date of submission of this review?

28th Dec 2021


Please explain What all information is shown under latest transactions and latest blocks section?

Informations under latest transaction are Block ID, ID, Timestamp, Sender, Receiver/Permalink/ID, Type and Amount/%/Payload
This information gives us the lastest transaction made on steemit


Informations under bock section are ID, Height, Timestamp, Block Transaction and mined by. it gives us the block made on the platform


Please explain What all information is shown under Witnesses section and steps to vote a Witness?

You go to menu, click on witnesses
Under witnesses , we have rank, witness, status,version,missed,price fee and reg fee and vote


To vote for witness

Click on vote


After clicking on vote, it will take you to this page, then click on confirm (to vote)


Please explain What is DApps and mention 3 DApps which you have already used or may use in future as per your interest?

DApps is a decentralized application that operates on a blockchain network of computer instead of using just one computer

Three DApps I've used are

Please explain How to use "Quick Convert"

Quick convert gives us an estimation when converting steem to either USTD, BTC, TRX

Please explain what information is provided by the "Search" feature?

Click on menu, on menu you will click on search, then I typed steemit , which brought up informations on steemit
It shows the account summary(voting power,upvote value,effective sp,balance, account sp and account value) profile,wallets, savings etc


You can also search on anything on this platform, and it will bring what you are searching for

N.B : All pictures was taken with my phone, it gave me some difficulties because of its small screen

 3 years ago (edited)

Nice job dear

Happy to know you understand Steemscan and how to use it

 3 years ago 

@xkool24 pls verify

 3 years ago 

Thanks for completing Achievement 5 task- 2: Review of Steemscan You have accomplished Achievement 5 task- 2, You can now proceed to Achievement 5 task- 3: Review

Curation Rate 3

Keep following @steemitblog for latest update on Steem Community. Thank you...

 3 years ago 

Hi, @negro-bby,

Your post has been supported by @reddileep from the Steem Greeter Team.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.21
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 67164.91
ETH 3518.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71