Achievement 3 | content etiquette | @nafeela

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Assalamu alaikum and Hi people! hope you're good, I'm @nafeela and today i will present you my achievement 3 that will be Content Etiquette "Plagiarism".


what is plagiarism?

Let's just start with a one word meaning "theft"; yes, stealing someone's substance and utilizing it as your own is what you call plagiarism, even if you ask creator to utilize his/her work it’s plagiarism until and unless you deliver reader the source of work or credit to creator.

steemit is a platform that truly appreciates individuals to be them, to be genuine and work all by themselves, and I think that's cool since at some point I'm realizing a small (a little yk) improvement in my work or article composing, actually putting effort by yourself changes a lot (I've begun accepting my crap writing abilities hehe). The thing to realize is copying isn't a wrongdoing but infact it is considered as a fraud and action can be taken against you.

Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement. oxford dictionary
Basically it's; a Latin word "plagiarius" (literally "kidnapper") Wikipedia


presently here’s a small argument to clarify it better

I enjoyed your work and inquired to utilize it and you permitted me. I posted the work and people acknowledged it now whom did individuals acknowledged? clearly me! well I did plagiarization, I covered up the source and got all the credit by me; indeed if it didn't annoyed the maker but I confused those who acknowledged the work let's go back I post the work, give credit to maker,presently individuals truly gonna appreciate the maker wasn't this straightforward! the genuine diamond got acknowledged and I shared what I enjoyed simple.

In a nutshell

let's try our best not to be a part of such acts and prevent it simply by giving the creator credit
And try our best to be more independent and different rather than copying the same stuff.

“People seldom improve when they have no model but themselves to copy after” ― Oliver Goldsmith

Insha'Allah I'll try my best never to be a part of such act.

Cc: @vvarishayy


Congratulations you have been verified by vvarishayy you can proceed with the next Achievement at your convenience

 3 years ago 


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