Achievement 3 //Stop Plagiarism//Task Content Etiquette by @muzammalwahab

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago


Assalam o Alaikum!

Hello to all my friends, I hope you are all well. I pray to God Almighty to grant you a healthy and long life.

What is mean by Plagiarism ?

This is called plagiarism. For example, instead of writing a story yourself, if you pick up another student's story and have the call checked, it is called plagiarism. There are many types of plagiarism.

Types of Plagiarism ,

There is a lot of plagiarism types . In this post I will tell you in detail about the types of plagiarism, and also how you can get rid of plagiarism.

complete plagiarism
Self or Auto plagiarism
Accidental plagiarism
Image plagiarism
Direct plagiarism
Mosaic plagiarism

Complete plagiarism

This is the largest form of plagiarism. In this type of plagiarism the author picks up the entire content of another author, changes it a little bit, and adds it to his own content.

Mosaic plagiarism

In this type of theft, the author or student picks up some material from another website or a copy of another friend and uses it in his research. He picks up words or phrases in it.

Direct plagiarism

In this type of theft, the student or the author picks up some material from another dog's website. He changes it a little bit. Changes the meaning and adds it to your content.

Accidental plagiarism

This type of theft involves the student or the author from another website or another
A friend picks up content by mistake. This happens when a student or author is researching something. During the research, he accidentally adds some words and sentences to his content. He is seeking help from the guide to solve some questions. He adds some formulas in his content. We should avoid this kind of theft.

Self or Auto plagiarism

I will illustrate this kind of plagiarism with an example. For example, a student makes an assignment on a Saturday, and on Monday he lets the teacher check. The teacher checks the student's assignment, and then another topic. The student uses some of the material from the previous checked assignment for his assignment for research or adds it to his next assignment. This is called Self Plagiarism

Image plagiarism

Image plagiarism is no different from word plagiarism. In this type of plagiarism, the writer uses some photos from another website in his article or content. Whenever we take a photo from a website, we must give source or ask permission.

Why plagiarism is wrong?

Plagiarism is is wrong because is a kind of theft. Theft is not legal in any country. Doing theft you can hurt anyone. In the case of plagiarism when you put someone data without his permission you become a theif and theft is not valid . We should avoid plagiarism. We should write our content with our hand.

How we can away from plagiarism ?

We should get away from Plagiarism by following these steps.
Do not copy paste work write your own hand.
Use websites or videos or anyone data just for research.
If we put someone data like content aur photos any one website anyone copies give permission first or give source.
If you write any essay in our hand we easily define this essay when this person can tell me define this in voice.
When we write any content in our hand our self confidence build. Because writing himself my mind says to me I can do this.
So therefore not copy any one data write in our hand and become creative and confident.

Citation Method

Roses can become infected by a number of diseases, most of them caused by fungi. Powdery mildew appears as a grayish white moldlike growth on the surface of young leaves and stems. Black spot fungus appears as conspicuous black spots on leaves and causes them to fall off. Rust is also a common disease of roses. Aphids are a common insect pest on the leaves and young stems.

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