in Newcomers' Community3 months ago (edited)



The story of my life is a kind painted with passion, perseverance, and purpose etc. I go by the name Obed, which of course is a biblical name meaning "willing to serve" but my friends call me vitality which means "good living" or "wellness", am 22 years old. For clarity the country Nigeria is a country in west Africa which shares borders with republic of Benin to the east, Chad and Cameroon to the east. My country, Nigeria is indeed a rich and blessed country with so many opportunities, industrious people, and inexhaustible resources. I am personally an individual interested in so many things, but presently am a student of accounting schooling at the University of uyo in Nigeria, but alongside that, I have a career skill as a draft man. Combining my schooling and working hasn't been easy, but we thank God so far.

Throughout the years, I have faced some reasonable experience with cryptocurrency. I mine crypto airdrops on my phone, at times I buy some future potential cryptocurrency tokens and later sell them when they mature or rise in value, but so far I can say I've earned a reasonable amount of money from crypto. Let me tell y'all a secret, the phone I am using to type this post, was bought as a result of my investment in crypto. I have a lot of hobbies and passion.

I guess it's as a result of my ability and capability to multitask. I love playing board games especially Scrabble, I also love music especially American and Nigeria pop music, I love to dance, I love to eat 🤣, and funny enough my favorite food is salad rice. I love watching movies precisely horror movies, and my favorite all time movie is "The Walking Dead". Last of all I love making friends.

One of the things I dislike is stress, reason is because it's a carrier of most deadly and excruciating illness and disease like stroke, heart failure, kidney failure, weight loss, and anemia. Other things I dislike include: disrespectful, insult, boredom, laziness, and coco-yam yeah I don't eat those. Posts written by others which I'll be most interested in, are post under the niche of entrepreneurship, business and management. Am present schooling for a career degree in accounting/office management, so opinions from other on this area or field could really help me.

I have taken my time to go through the various communities on the steemit website, truth be told, I have seen some worth-subscribing communities I'll love to join, especially those on parenting, entrepreneurship, dairy and youths etc. I will love to join these communities and join the many in creating posts and contents. Wondering how I found about the steemit platform, well a friend @bossj23 told me during the COVID-19 lockdown but I was reluctant to join. But just recent I saw him looking all niced up, and when I ask whats the reason for this ungraded, he remembered me the steemit platform and how it has changed his life. So I decided to join. No dullings.

This is my social media handle.

 2 months ago 

It's my delight to welcome you to Steemit platform @mellorando Truly you will love it here!! There are numerous opportunities to form new friendships here, you will learn about various things and be rewarded as a content creator. To be successful in the platform there several things to do now that you're done with your introductory post:

Continue with other achievement tasks. Follow @steemitblog to get timely update from the Steemit team. Join different communities and be active to receive support. Please tab here to see all the Communities.

Taking part in contest is a way forward too, for this follow @disconnect for new contest alert. My best wishes for you as you start your journey here. Do not hesitate to ask anything that seems confusing. Once again welcome!!!

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