Achievement 6 Task by @mbozekobrice : Understanding Curation and Community

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago
Immense gratitude to @cryptokannon for this post which guided me in completing this task. The write up gave me insights of how the reward system on the steemit ecosystem(eg. curation and voting) functions. I also got how vital the roles of witnesses are to the blockchain mechanism of steemit. I equally discovered how to delegate my steem power to another account. Having full control on my account pleases me, no regrets after joining steemit.

How Curation Works On Steemit

Every one of us needs support in what ever we do and steemit is a platform not left out in this theory. Curation and voting are the terms used to describe support given to another person's post on the platform. Just like any other social media platform such as Facebook or Instagram, our comments and likes give more meaning and visibility to another post.


Voting for a post can be done by clicking through the options below the post as seen in the picture above. Voting could either be and Upvote or downvote. Voting on a post gives some reward to the author. This process of reward distribution is known as curation.

The amount of reward is determined by the steem power of the Voter's account i.e. voting mana currently possessed by the account. It is initially set at a 100% and deducts 2% when the vote is cast at full power of 100 percentage. It also recharges by 20% daily and users have to wait for it to recharge once theirs is exhausted. The voting mana also determines the amount of influence you have on the reward distribution.

As a new user, I can only vote at a 100% voting strength but users with at least 500 steam power can adjust their voting strength (that is, between 1 - 100%), as an adjustment bar shows up. This enables the user to decrease or increase their voting strength as they see fit. There is also the mana for downvotes which is 25% of the upvote mana. Attention to the fact that downvotes do not earn you any curation rewards.

In order to check your remaining voting mana, you should use third party tool like Steemscan and Steemworld. Allocation of the rewards is such that 50% of it goes to the author of either post/comment and 50% goes to the curator. Time is an important factor in this entire process to get full benefits.

Once a post is published, 100% of the curation rewards remains within the pool when the curator votes at the moment of posting. And as time progresses, this is what happens as on the table below.

This means that after the 5 minute mark, 100% of the curation rewards go to the curator of the post comment.

Witnesses of Steemit

Witnesses are elected by the community to produce blocks for the steem blockchain every 3 seconds. These witnesses are compensated by steem power as 20 of them work full time. There are extra backup witnesses and each user may vote for up to 30 witnesses. They run the steem blockchain and prevent attacks from hackers.

Personally, I would vote for @steemchiller and @justyy who have created and respectively. This is because, they created these amazing tools essential for the easy use of steemit and they still produce blocks for the blockchain, consequently.

Why I chose to join some communities

In every locality there are groups of persons with different objectives. There are several communities here on steemit within which members post good content. I went through these communities and I have joined a good number of them and here is the reason why.

Steem Africa : As an African, I will like to connect with other African Stemains so as to understand and grow in the society

Steeming Curators : Taking part in challenges is very important for one's growth on steemit

World of Xpilar : Photography is one of my passions and thjs community will sure be a place for diversification.

GEMS : I want to share knowledge with people as this community welcomes general knowledge.

Project Hope : I would like to know more about cryptocurrency, entrepreneurship and economy.

Music for Steem: I am a dancer so automatically where there is sound I see myself joining.

To the attention of @cryptokannon. Thank you for goimg through my Review.

Time Curator rewards Rewards that goes to the pool
After the minute mark 20% 80%
After 2 minutes 40% 60%
After 3 minutes 60% 40%
After 4 minutes 80% 20%
After 5 minutes 100% 0%
 3 years ago (edited)


You have completed all achievement tasks. You can now go ahead to make a compilation post with all the links of your achievement tasks

Rating : 2

Great job @mbozekobrice

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