in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Maurice, it's been years since you have been alive. You have had some up's and unfortunately quite some few downs yet you are blessed to celebrate yet another birthday.

Has today mark's your birthday, do not celebrate it has the anniversary of the day you were born, but has the anniversary of the purpose you were born for.

Maurice you maybe a bit weird, but that's OK, because you have managed to put a smile on your face and other people faces.
I also know that you have some flaws here and there that keeps on making you wonder and worried but alas you know that perfection cannot be attained and as such you are ok with that.

Last year may not be your best year Maurice, that's because you did not see the whole picture. If you did, maybe you would not have appreciate God and bestowed unto him the honour he duely deserved.

Has today mark's the day of your nativity, think of the many many blessings of God in your life.
Think about your parents, they may not be perfect but if you could choose your parents u would still choose the same ones over and over again.
Think about your friends, though you know that you have to be careful while choosing your friends, but you are certain that those you have given your friendship to are worth it and you will forever cherish their paroxysm of love, advice and contributions in your life.
What about your family?...your long life grand parents, aunties, uncles, cousins and siblings....who have astound thee with their loves: I will forever be grateful.

Maurice, one thing I have come to realized about you this past years is that you are resilient, ambitious, persistent, smart and fucking amazing.
Despite all this attributes you still have a long way to go, but I just wanna tell you that I'm proud of you, for becoming what you were meant to be and not what the society wanted you to be. Thanks for not allowing the society to detect who you should be and eventually who u should love. Just wanna wish u a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY with many more HAPPY LIFE!.I love u

Yours lovely,

Maurice Ekpima.

Please up-vote my post today is my birthday!!

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