Achievement2: basic security on steemit || by @masud9

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)

Assalamu Alaikum. How are you all I hope you are well. Today I am sharing with you a post about steemit account security.



What is Esteem Security?

The key or password is more important for any account. Any account has some kind of security to keep it safe or secure, not all account keys or passwords are the same, they are different. When we open the Estimate account, we are first given the master password. Then when the account opening is complete then a few more keys are given. And I have to take a number of steps to save this key and master password. I will describe them in detail below.

There are several things we are given after opening an estimate account, they are: -

  • What is posting
  • Active key
  • What is his
  • Memo key

Use of Posting Key: -

What kind of work can be done with posting key such as: -

Posting key is used to login, post, vote on other posts. You can comment on another Kaur post Someone can be followed, unfollowed. Someone can be muted 6 Downvote can be given in Kaur post 6 Post can be re-esteemed, basically all this can be done with posting key.

Use of Active Key: -

Many types of work can be done with active key such as: -

I can login to Estimate Wallet with Active Key 6 My liquid SBD to another Kaur
I can transfer. I can steam from the liquid SBD market. I can power up. I can do delegation. I can transfer my Esteem to someone. I can cancel the delegation I can change anything in the profile I can login to any good side And if this hack of mine is hacked or stolen by someone evil Then he will be able to take the bomb's steam But in time, if I find it, I will be able to change the keys again with the password. If my Esteem is powered up then even if I lose my Active key, that person will not be able to take my Esteem before 1 month. All this can be done with Active Key. What makes this active very important.

What is his use: -

With his key, your account can be kept safe and careful In fact, you can be considered as the owner of your own account. With his key, I will be able to reset my posting key and active key His key is also very important.

Use of Memo Key: -

What is a memo? If I send a message to someone in a memo, no one else will be able to see the message except the person to whom I will send the message. Whoever I send it to and I can see In a word, to exchange confidential information Which I don't want to tell anyone else Although now the memo key does not work. Still give us a little idea in class

Master Password: -

The master password is the most important. I can change the posting key and active with his key, but I can't change his key. And with the master password I can change everything. And at the beginning of opening the estimate account, we are given the master password Then the keys are given. The plan is to keep this master password safe and secure.

  • Do not use master password in case of any login It plays a very important role

  • I can save the master password by writing it in a diary.

  • I can save by writing any secret place in the computer

  • Can save to Google Drive again.

  • Can save to Gmail.

  • Can save pen drive.

  • I can save again by pinning 6
    Hopefully, saving in this way will never lose the Kaur Master password. Very good thing to save 6

Power up

Power up means increasing the strength of your account. It is very important to have power up of any account. If there is no power up in an account, that account has no value.

If I power up, and if for some reason my account is hacked or stolen, and if I find out at the right time my account has been hacked or stolen, then I can change the key with the account password. In this case, despite my account being hacked or stolen, Istim will not be able to take. You can take it if I can't find it in 7 days. And I have to wait 4 weeks to get all the Steam hackers or thieves in my account
And if you don't power up, he will be able to take the steam of my account as soon as it is hacked or stolen. If I get a lot of steam power up then I can vote for a good post. It is very important to power up all the accounts.

How to power up: -

To power up, first you need to login to Wallet with Active Key. Then you have to click on the button next to the ticked place shown in the picture





How can we transfer steem to another account? I am showing below in the form of pictures.





Thanks all steemit friends
by @masud9


Please answer the question of how to transfer your Steem tokens to other user account. Then I will verify it. Show it with pictures too like power up.

 2 years ago 

Yes sir I did it right. please achievement 2 verified

hello welcome to steemit. Your Achievement 2 task has been confirmed. You can move on to the next task. Follow @steemitblog for updates.


steemit Turkey Representative

 2 years ago 

Hi, @masud9,

Your post has been supported by @svm038 from the Steem Greeter Team.

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