Introducing myself as a new recruit for Steem [EN]. Achievement 1

in Newcomers' Community4 years ago (edited)


I salute everyone who is reading this humble introduction, my name is Mario González and in this article, which I prepared with enthusiasm, I will introduce myself correctly in order to achieve mutual trust, a comfortable community and of course, grow together with everyone.

####What do I do and where do I come from?####

On March 29, 2000 at 4 in the afternoon after my mother concluded with the exhaustive struggle of childbirth, I was able to be part of the population in a country that is not exactly related to prosperity, Cuba. Although the above is true, it should be noted that the country remains relatively standing thanks to the efforts and courage of the population to face the different problems that affect the quality of life due to the difficulty required to maintain stability such as: Home, Family, Recreation, Communication, Food, and among others. Even so, we has marked great milestones such as free education and medicine, closely related to the solidarity that characterizes us Cubans. An example of the above is the career I study, Computer Engineering at the José Antonio Echeverría Technological University, better known worldwide as José Antonio Echeverría University City (CUJAE).

Despite being 20 years old, I am tied to many hobbies, which I am passionate about and I see myself given body and soul to all of them, so much so that they have influenced my career for the worse, precisely because of the way I spend my time faster than normal and therefore lose hours of study. Among these hobbies, poetry, guitar, martial arts, photographic editing and photography stand out. Although I am exercising the latter to a greater extent, however, I must admit that in the past I was more passionate about martial arts, in fact, I practiced about 4 of them; of course, I was only 16 at the time. Of the four I only have photos of those in which I was quite good, such as judo and taekwondo, two martial arts that I recommend one hundred percent, since according to studies and experience



mainly, they are one of those that forge a great sportsmanship and discipline in the person, in addition to serving for personal defense. Although I warn that it is strictly forbidden to use them to do evil.
Without wanting to make you lose the thread of my story, I would like to tell you about an infernal but important stage that marked my life and formed me as the person I am today, since it influenced in a positive way, I say, since it helped me to consolidate a thought that today is very accepted in society, and not exactly live with the opinions of others.

It all started when I was 18 years old when after finishing my career entrance exams I was called to comply with the compulsory military service of my country, whose laws dogmatically demanded my presence and compliance with them for 14 months, chaotic in my opinion and everyone's. I must clarify that this military service consists of two stages, of which the first is the most infernal, respectively called "Previous" and "Active Military Service."

The Military Unit to which I was transferred with some of my schoolmates was located in the most rural areas of the capital (Havana), we live there and therefore it was even more difficult for us to adapt.


I must admit that when I first set foot on the ground of Managua (town where the military unit was located) I was totally unconcerned and acted indifferent, in fact, I thought that the hard 45 days we had to be there were not as hard as they told us. To everyone's bad luck, on the second day we began to taste that moody and cruel military character, many even did not bear the urge to cry. Some of my colleagues looked for comforts, for me and the vast majority however it was all difficult. We were not allowed to walk until after 5:00 pm lunch time, because from the voice of "Stand up!" At 4:30 am we had to get ready for morning gymnastics, and after that and a vomiting breakfast, the marching types became our new way of walking. Undoubtedly, the 45 days were daunting, they caused me an excessive loss of weight, I lost 12 kg exactly, being below my ideal weight and added to that the constant stomach decompositions.


Later, my colleagues and I were given 7 days off to spend with our family members, since in the "Preview". Although the worst part had passed, it did not mean that we had to rejoin the military, only this time it was due to location in a rural area, and luckily near my home. Once reincorporated it took us less than a week to adapt to the place, and despite initiating the repetitive guards, receiving too many orders from officers and insults from the cadets, we were able to overcome active military service with relative ease, better known as “Verde” Appealing to the color of the uniforms. It is impossible to deny that being under pressure made us evolve as a person, changing our way of seeing the world and above all instilled in us the love of freedom, carrying only with us a phrase "Hell is not red, it is green".


###What are my ambitions?####

It is no less true that I study an important career and above all well paid, so much so that it is considered a privilege, in which I was accepted thanks to the fact that I obtained excellent marks in the entrance exams to it.


Despite this, a semester at the university was enough for me to realize that perhaps it was not the most suitable for me, it was then when reading certain magazines and seeing certain photos aroused a great passion within me for the extensive world of the photography, the art of painting with light. And as expected, I started looking for cameras through stores, contacts or social networks that were at affordable prices, when then I was able to find one of the wonders of Sony, a brand that I am a lover of today, it was nothing more and nothing less than the Sony Alpha 500, which I have been using ever since. Returning to the subject of the degree, I must admit that I am not very sure which degree I can decide to pursue and even less so if I finish mine, therefore, my ambitions are mainly focused on simply photography accessories, very expensive in fact, to develop between what fits a professional environment and manage to set up a photographic studio. You may wonder what the point is to say that I am not sure of the degree I want to pursue, and I will explain to you, here in Cuba there is no career dedicated solely to studying photography, only an academy that I know of that offers courses; but it does not deliver titles. On the other hand there is the issue of titles, because in my country and surely in all the others as well, a title speaks a lot about you, however I do not think the same, because perhaps it is worth the effort of its achievement in many others places but not here. I declare the above because colloquially we say that the pyramid in Cuba is inverted, which means that a professional or university graduate earns much less money than someone with no education, such as a bricklayer, and without the intention of degrading anyone; that is not conceivable in my opinion, and yet, that thought is passed from generation to generation creating a stereotype. As far as I know, a degree does not serve you to eat and in the end the vast majority end up going to a job far from being related to the career they have achieved.
Anyway, let's say that my aspirations point to the world of photography.


####How did I get here?####

About three years ago I met a boy who stood out for his intelligence and learning facilities, who showed great interest in the topic of cryptocurrencies or cryptos. His name is Pablo, and I must admit that we have become very close for a while now. He was the one who introduced me to this immense world of crypto, which I fully trust will be the future of the economy. Although we did not have the opportunity to get to know each other well at that time, I declare that today we carry by the hand what I would say a good friendship, in addition, their solidarity is unprecedented; He has been very hospitable to me even on the same social networks, even before he met us as he now helped me to pass a lot of pending subjects from my pre-university school. So I trusted him and he told me about this wonderful Steem platform, of which I am now very grateful to be a part.


I believe that up to this point is sufficient for my presentation, but it does not mean that we do not continue in contact, on the contrary, I hope to know more about all the communities and if possible, to strengthen ties of friendship and collaborate with all those who have read so far. Perhaps I will be a bit out of place in my early days, but I trust that I will receive a lot of help from you so I will be uncompromising, participatory, collaborative and above all, I will concentrate my efforts on growing such a wonderful community.



Amazing to see another Cuban in Steem. Keep pushing foward

 4 years ago 

Ohh, thanks bro, i say hi to you from the cave

 4 years ago 

Hi, @mariog.
Welcome to steemit.
Follow @steemitblog for updates.
Have a nice day

 4 years ago 

Thanks @toufiq, i will do it as well. Have a nice day to.

Hi, @mariog
Welcome to steemit.

Diary game season-3 has been started. You can join the diary game. Hope, we will see a great diary blog from you.

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 4 years ago 

Ohh I Really appreciate it. I just love videogames. I will follow the diary game.

welcome to steemit brother..

 4 years ago 

Thanks bro, Let's grow up together.

 4 years ago 

welcome to steemit.

 4 years ago 

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