Achievement 4 by @livinword Task: Applying Markdown

in Newcomers' Community8 hours ago


Everything is Protocol

Life is full of protocols. I guess that’s the reason why the universe is still intact. Bypassing these protocols may bring unexpected outcomes. I’m sure God placed everything where they are for their peculiar reasons and functions. Imagine the moon trading places with the sun, or Earth wanting to have an experience of Mercury's position. Disaster right?

The universe was intelligently, carefully and purposefully set in order. Nothing came as a result of a blast from nowhere. Otherwise how can such a blast arrange the universe in such a precise and magnificent array? Although the Big Bang theory holds it's own water, I think it's no longer a debate as to the origin or cosmic arrangement of the universe. Man should not attempt to explain these things if he wouldn't accept that there must be a Creator. I mean, the sun, moons, stars and other planetary bodies; the ecosystem, including man —these are nothing short of Divine Intelligence.

For order to be maintained, there must be rules right? Otherwise, there would be chaos. And there is this popular saying that:

Prevention is Better Than Cure

Yes to prevent lawlessness rules and protocols are skillfully programmed into the order of things. For every action there is an equal or unequal reaction. Sometimes, these reactions are not pleasant at all to deal with. Hence, prevention is better than cure. But most often, it is the cure that gives some people an understanding of the prevention.

Balance and order forms a trajectory for achieving goals. If rain was be falling nonstop, where would we find the materials with which to build a boat when the earth becomes flooded with water? You see why it was necessary for Noah to finish building the ark during the dry season before the rain finally came? There was no way he could have been able to build the ark when it started to rain.

Similarly, every Profession has their rules of practice. Adhering to those rules qualifies you to be a professional in that field. You cannot be indisciplined and practice Law, Medicine or Surgery. Nah! Even in athletics, academics or whatever field.
Discipline itself is a system of rules that one must follow in order to achieve their set goals. It's protocol—one thing before another. If you must win, you play by the rules.

There have been exceptions, nonetheless. Some people have flaunted rules and got away with it. I cannot say they got lucky. Maybe they did, maybe there was providence for it. But the habit of breaking rules is one that disrupts order and balance. Maybe sometimes, it's necessary to shove aside old rules and set new ones. Maybe.

But rules are rules, nonetheless.

Completing Achievement tasks has not been easy for me. Sometimes, I even forget that it has to be done. But since it's the protocol, who am I not to comply?

Even communities on #steem have rules peculiar to individual communities. If you must be a member, you got to know the rules and follow them —or else? Yeah, you know.


Now I'm on to the next step... The Protocol continues.

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