Story by @kusibul: Laziness has no good reward

Hello lovely people of this noble House. I want to share with you a story I leant earlier.
Once there lived a man and his lazy donkey. This man was a hard working merchant who buys and sells goods from one community to the other. Anytime he buy goods from a his customers, he will let his donkey curry it to his destination.
One day, this man loaded his donkey with a bug of salt. On their way home, the donkey jumped into a river and found out that the load became light because some of the salt was found to melt in the river. The lazy donkey then took it as a habit to always jump in to the river for the weight to decrease.
One day the master of this donkey loaded it with a lot of cottonwood, and as usual, when they got to the river, the lazy donkey jumped into the river and found out after that it was more heavier than it thought because the cottonwood became wet and instead of dissolving it rather became soaked with water and more heavier.
Moral lesson.
Laziness does not give you any profit but rather suffering. For example, if it is time for examination and you don't learn, your would only rest for some time but you will have yourself to blame after you fail that exam.
And as the saying goes" you reap what you cultivated".
So everyone should avoid being lazy
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