Achievement 3 by @kanijakborbd- Assignment: Content Protocol

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing really well. This is me @kanijakborbd. Today I am going to talk about “Content Protocol”

So what is the thought that comes to your mind when you hear the term “Content Protocol”. It is a system of content, a set of guidelines explaining proper behaviour and formal processes to be followed. So in “Content Protocol” plagiarism is a big part. It is absolutely prohibited to plagiarise in content. We should keep our distance from plagiarism. I will talk about this plagiarism in detail from the perspective of “Content Protocol”.
So what is plagiarism?


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Plagiarism is the copying of another person's work. It is categorically forbidden on Steemit. Plagiarism is when someone steals another person's work and passes it off as their own. It is a form of poaching someone else's material despite their knowledge. This cannot be done. It is really bad to plagiarise. Writing content is the way you present your thinking through writing. Now if you copy from other other people that is not what you think. It is other people's work and you just stole it. In that case, it is not right. We should stop that.

There is a different kind of plagiarism. I will try to talk about all of them in detail.


COMPLETE PLAGIARISM: It is one kind of plagiarism in that people submit other people's work as their own. To elaborate more we can say, it is something like you did not do anything to write the whole article but someone did. Then you submit that article as your own.

DIRECT PLAGIARISM: Direct plagiarism is stealing other people's work and submitting it as your own without a quotation. As an example we can say, our friend wrote the content then we took some of his writing. Then if we submit that writing without quotation that is called DIRECT PLAGIARISM.

PARAPHRASING PLAGIARISM: Paraphrasing plagiarism is when we stole other people's work and changed the meaning with some synonyms that mean stay similar, and then we passed it as our work. Paraphrasing other people's work is also plagiarism.

SELF-PLAGIARISM: Reusing your exact ideas and words from previously published papers constitutes self-plagiarism. This may seem a little absurd at first glance because you are the author and you authorise yourself to utilise your content.


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PATCHWORK PLAGIARISM: Patchwork plagiarism is when someone collects writings from several writers and puts them all together and makes new writing and submits it. That is also plagiarism because it is stealing writing from different people.

SOURCE-BASED PLAGIARISM: When sources are misrepresentative, plagiarism of this kind occurs. For instance, the author can have two sources of data but still only cite one of them. The use of a fabricated or false source by a publisher would be an additional instance of source-based plagiarism.

ACCIDENTAL PLAGIARISM: Accidental plagiarism is when someone unintentionally paraphrases other people's work by using similar words as the writing. That means when we misquote the source and writing that is called accidental plagiarism.
I hope all of you understand plagiarism and how it works in the content protocol. So to write content we should not plagiarise, we should always write or express what we have.

“I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them.”

 2 years ago 

Hello dear @kanijakborbd plagiarism doesn't stop at copying another person's write-ups, it includes ideas and images, and you seems to take your photos from the internet but you didn't cite the source, this amounted to plagiarism. Below Is the link to the source of your images.

The second image you used is not free, delete it out. And always free images from pixels, unsplash etc, and make sure you cite the source.

 2 years ago 

Thank for your guideline. I forget to cite the picture. I will follow whatever you just say. Thank you so much for your help again!

 2 years ago 

Hi @goodybest,
I delete the second Picture and add source for others picture as you said. And from next time I will use picture from the site that you suggest me.

Can you please see my post now kindly.

 2 years ago 

"You have been verified and you may proceed to the next achievement task #4 at your convenience.”

Rate: 2

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much!

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