Achievement 3 by @jyoti-thelight Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Hi, steemians,
I'm very happy to continue my third achievement of this task- Content Etiquette.

What is Plagiarism
Using someone's original words, ideas, contents, or articles in our blog or article without the author's attribution is called 'Plagiarism". It is also kind of stealing someone's thoughts and it is an offense.
You can use the original article by giving credit, attributes, or courtesy to the original author. If you want to use the original content in your blog, you can use it using the citation method. For example, I would like to display an image about a plagiarism awareness poster in this post, I have to mention the complete link where I have taken the picture, make sure the picture is not watermarked and not under the terms of copyright.


Here, I have taken images from which is free to use, I put the image and mentioned the source of the image under the image. Like this, you can use any words or phrases by using citation lii e below

Citation example:

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion, and directed research.


Conclusion: To avoid plagiarism we should always remember to draft our own content, make sure it is not a copy of someone else, and check at least once using Plagrim checker before submitting the post.

Declaration: I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them.


This post authored by @jyoti-thelight


Thank you for reading my post, please don't forget to upvote if you like this. Through this post, I would like to thank all my well-wishers, supporters, and upvoters.



curator note: 2

You can continue to the next achievement task.

 3 years ago 

Than you very much :)

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