Achievement 3 Task by @jahangeerkhanday CONTENT ETIQUETTE

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello my steemit friends ,how are you all .i hope you all are doing well and wish you all are safe and are also helping your family ,your friends and yourself to remain safe in these covid times.
This post is all about PLAGIARISM ,its bad impacts both on your reputation and also on the community .that is at no cost tolerable ...

Pass on other's work and behave/pretend like it is your own ...Does it sense good ?
No ,not at all..As we humans are concerned ,we are supposed to remain honest even in toughest of the times then why be so dishonest when it comes to content creating on any of the platform and especially on STEEMIT that gives you a great oppurtunity to earn money as well ...Like in everyday life PLAGIARISM is considered to be dishonest and punishable,same is the case here PLAGIARISM is considered to be an offence and thus punishable here as well.

New doc May 5, 2021 10.46 PM(1).jpg

We come across a lot of types of plagiarism but on steemit 4 main types of plagiarism are usually that we come across.These are

Here on steemit PLAGAIRISM is strictly prohibited and is not allowed at any cost ..Plagairism as sensed to be a dishonest way to pass on other's work and present it as your own decieves readers as they believe like it is you doing the work and the actual content creator does not get credit ,which is absolutely unfair.So to avoid this there are softwares and bots who detect plagairism by searching the content all over the internet and if any sort of plagairism is found ,you are not allowed to payout from the related post that eventually hurts your reputation.
Plagairism when detected hurts your reputation and you loose all your reputation for example from rep.50 to rep.2,does it seem good .? 🚫 at all..


We can pretty easily avoid plagairism by not copy pasting work of others here on steemit ,infact we can copy and paste others work but with proper citation .

![New doc May 5, 2021 10.40 PM.jpg](

It is advisable to properly link 🔗 the source where from you collected the material and give credit to the actual content creator ..we can do it in many ways that is by providing the web link to that particular material along with that content here on steemit or we may provide the work in inverted commas so as to impart a sense that the content is not your own.

Ex. "An Apple a day keeps a doctor away "

As it is not my created quote i must provide it with commas so as to show that i am not the actual person who has created this quote ..

I have read and understood the steemit etiquettes on this community and pledge here to stick to these and also help my fellow mates to use this platform smooth and securely ...
Thanks for reading and please have attention @cryptokannon @tarpan @neerajkr
Written by @jahangeerkhanday

 3 years ago 

Hey, how are you, we have a new community name Open The World.

The steemit team said us that if we have active user the they will give us community or booming Support, so if you Wanna booming support then please come to this community subscribe this community,vote and post will get booming support within e very short time.

& We will try to give vote every quality post in this community, So I hope you will check our new community.

This community is open to all Steemian ❤️

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