Achievement 6 Task by @ibesso: Understanding Curation and Community

in Newcomers' Community4 months ago (edited)

SteemUnity: Beyond the Horizon of Collaboration

image digitally processed by me

How Voting and Curation Work on Steemit.

Voting on Steem is a key mechanism for distributing rewards within the platform. Users vote on the content they consider to be of quality, thus influencing the distribution of rewards from the fixed pool. Steem Power (SP) amplifies the effect of votes: the more SP you have, the greater the impact on the distribution of rewards. Curation is about actively selecting and voting on content that you believe deserves attention and rewards. Curators receive a portion of the rewards in the form of SP for their role in helping identify quality content.

Voting Mana: Your Energy to Interact

Think of voting mana as your energy to vote for content on Steem. You start with 100% energy and each vote reduces it slightly.

Daily Recharge: Your mana recharges by 20% every day. Frequent Voting: You can vote multiple times a day, but each vote consumes some of your mana.

Example of Mana Consumption per Vote:

Vote (%)Mana Consumption (%)

Voting Mana Management. Being strategic in voting is crucial. With around 500 SP, you can start adjusting your vote strength from 1% to 100%, allowing you to conserve your vote mana for more content.

Curation Rewards: How to Maximize Rewards. Curation rewards are divided between the content author and the curators. Voting immediately after publishing a piece of content affects your amount of curation rewards.

Vote Timing and Curation Rewards.

Voting Time (after publication)% Reward for Curator
1 minute20%
2 minutes40%
3 minutes60%
4 minutes80%
5+ minutes100%

Downvotes and Mana Management:

In the Steem system, in addition to the ability to vote content positively, users also have the ability to express downvotes, or negative votes. These serve to report content that they deem not suitable or of sufficient quality, but have a direct impact on the distribution of rewards and voting mana.

What is Downvote?

Downvote is a mechanism that allows users to subtract value from a post or comment, thus influencing the distribution of rewards. It is a tool designed for community moderation, useful to discourage spam, plagiarism or inappropriate content.

Mana Management for Downvotes:

Each user has a specific pool available for downvotes, equal to 25% of their total vote mana. Using downvote will consume this dedicated mana first, thus preserving mana for upvotes.

How to Avoid Downvotes:

Publish Quality ContentEnsure your posts and comments are original, informative, and relevant to the community you are posting in.
Avoid Spam and PlagiarismPlagiarism and spam are common reasons for receiving downvotes. Be authentic and create unique content.
Interact PositivelyBuild positive relationships with other users and participate in discussions constructively.
Follow Community GuidelinesEach community on Steem has its own rules. Read them carefully and respect them to avoid negative reactions.

Downvotes are an important tool for maintaining the quality and integrity of the Steem platform.

"Vote for Witness on Steemit: My Pick by @justyy"

Witnesses are essential to the functioning and security of the Steem blockchain, acting as nodes that produce blocks. Voting for witnesses is a right and responsibility of SP users, as witnesses directly influence the governance and future directions of the platform. We vote for witnesses to ensure that the blockchain is managed by trustworthy and competent individuals. My voting choice for witnesses would be based on their trustworthiness, contribution to the community, and vision for the future of Steem.

My choice to vote justyy as a witness was made after careful consideration of his evident activity within the Steemit community and his tangible contribution, also manifested through the appreciation of my posts.

By analyzing the available data, I can identify several aspects that strongly support this decision of mine:

Voting Power and Impact

With a voting power of 72.37% and an upvote value of USD 27.38, @justyy has proven to have significant influence on Steemit. This testifies not only to his active involvement in the curation of contents but also to the importance of his votes, capable of providing material support to the authors he considers worthy of note.

Contribution and Role in the Community

@justyy plays fundamental roles not only as a witness but also as a developer and curator, committed to improving and growing Steemit. Its mission to "make the world better" is reflected in its daily support of CN (Chinese) community posts, among many other initiatives. This commitment reveals his dedication not only to the technical maintenance of the blockchain but also to supporting the user community.

Activities and Rewards

With 13,072 posts and a reputation of 81, as well as significant curation rewards collected, @justyy has demonstrated consistent activism and a valuable contribution to Steemit. These numbers underline his commitment not only as a content creator but also as an active participant in the curation process, helping other users and promoting fair distribution of rewards.

Support for New Users

My appreciation for @justyy also comes from the fact that he recognized and valued my achievements posts. This type of support for new users is crucial to the development of Steemit, stimulating active participation and helping to create a welcoming and inclusive community.
Account Created7 years ago
RoleWitness, Developer, Curator
Voting Power72.37%
Upvote Value27.38 USD
Effective SP3,080,683.12 SP
STEEM Balance36,614 STEEM
SBD Balance0.000 SBD
Account Value275,608.71 USD
Number of Posts13,072
Last Post04/02/2024
Curation Rewards649,409,224
Posting Rewards109,509,614
Witnesses Voted For30, including alexmove.witness, bangla.witness, justyy, etc

Exploring and Contributing: The Power of Communities on Steem to Unite Passions and Interests.

image digitally processed by me

Join or Create a Community.

Communities on Steem allow users to group together around common interests, improving the visibility of related content and facilitating interaction. I would join a community related to my interests, such as photography, technology, or education, to connect with like-minded individuals and share relevant content. The decision to join a community is based on finding a space that reflects my interests and values, where I can actively contribute and find content that reflects my passions.

I decided to join the Italy community on Steemit for several significant reasons that reflect my interests and aspirations on the platform. This choice is guided by the desire to immerse myself in a cultural context that is close to me and to explore the opportunities for sharing and growth that this specific community offers such as:

Cultural and Linguistic Affinity

The Italy community is a space dedicated to Italian users or anyone interested in Italian culture. Joining this community allows me to express myself in my native language, facilitating communication and sharing experiences in a shared linguistic and cultural context. The possibility of interacting with other users who have a similar cultural background to mine is an important factor influencing my choice.

Quality Content and Specific Interest

This community on Steemit is known for the quality and variety of content that is published. Whether it's art, cooking, travel, or literature, I can always find interesting posts that reflect the different facets of Italian culture. This diversity of topics and the high quality of the content are aspects that stimulate my desire to actively contribute to the community.

Support and Growth

Italy also means having access to a support network made up of expert and welcoming users. This community offers orientation to new users, tips on how to navigate Steemit, and tips for improving the quality of your posts. Having a supportive environment is crucial to my personal growth and the development of my content creation skills.

Networking opportunities

Italy serves as a hub for networking between users with similar interests. Joining this community gives me the opportunity to connect with other Italian culture enthusiasts, to discover new friends, collaborators or simply to exchange ideas and opinions. The relationships I can build within this community are a valuable asset to my Steemit experience.

This is what I learned from writing my "Achievement 6 Task". The images were chosen based on the experience gained following the 6 steps, which significantly helped me to better understand the Steemit blockchain and, above all, guided me towards confirming the correct decision taken when, albeit with a certain timidity, I signed up for Steemit. I thank everyone who assisted me in my first steps, directing me on the right path to continue my journey on STEEMIT.
In my journey of exploration on Steemit, I would like to express a deep thank you to everyone who has made this journey possible by providing guidance and support.

Special thanks goes to all the @steemcurators @justyy @steem.history @ninapenda @nalainzahra @hive-126193 @yenny47 @karianaporras @pea07 @katherine012 @ashkhan @heriadi @wilmer1988 @sahmie @kork75 @stefano.massari @mikitaly @rosauradels
@marcoteixeira @patjewell @dave25 @pinkcastle @aston.villa @inspiracion @witnesstools @mrsaeed

Thank you for taking the time to read my post. @ibesso


Hi @ibesso

Congratulations, your achievement 6 is verified.

You can continue with the achievement compilation. Remember to use the #taskcompilation and #(your country) tags, and post from Newcomers' Community.

I invite you to follow @steemitblog so that you are aware of the latest updates.

Rate 3

 4 months ago 

Thank you @inspiracion for verifying my sixth achievement. Now that I am in the final phase, after completing the #taskcompilation, I will dedicate myself to exploring the contests you recommended.

This comment has been upvoted through -Steemcurator09.

Curated by - @radjasalman

 4 months ago 

Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
please click it!
(Go to and type fbslo at the bottom of the page)

The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

This post has been upvoted through -Steemcurator09.

TEAM Newcomer: Curation Guideline for February 2024 Curated by - @radjasalman

Note: Try and engage meaningfully with fellow users, comment and upvote on their post, as this will help you to have good Voting CSI

We invite all newcomers from 0 to 3 months of existence in steemit to use hashtags #newcomer and #country.

 4 months ago 

It's always rewarding to receive a comment from you, @steemcurator09. Thank you for the support!

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