Achievement 3 By @hisgeneral || Task: Content EtiquettesteemCreated with Sketch.

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello friends, hope were good and having a nice time.

Achievement 1 & 2 has been completed and I learnt some lessons from it. I make improvements as I continuosly engage in this interesting writing articles/blog.

This Achievement 3 task deals on the all issues pertaining to Content Etiquette which basically deals on Plagiarism.

This community encourages and allows the sharing of original ideas through text or write-ups, audio-visuals and pictorials, hence, content etiquette should be adequately communicated to all for strict adherence to rules as it influences the sharing and citing of contents. Meanwhile, Plagiarism may occur intentionally, unintentionally or be an act of headstrong.

Plagiarism as a word has its root from the Latin word "Plagiarius" which means; to steal, an abductor/kidnapper or plagiare. Plagiarism is however defined as the the use of borrowed "exact wording of another author without attribution", “distinctive and significant research findings or interpretations” in the creation of a new work without proper citation. Plagiarism is refers to a failure to properly quote, paraphrase and cite sources.

Plagiarism in it's real sense is an express presentation of another person's quotes, language, ideas, inventions, thoughts...etc as one's original work without the acquiesce of the original owner. Plagiarism can be likened to the fraud of counterfeiting which however is punishable in a court for having a negative impact on someone's position, status...etc which is caused by copyright breach, wrongful act, or violation of moral rights. Plagiarism is a critical ethical offence in respect to academia and industry.


There are various forms plagiarism, these includes the verbatim pirating of paragraphs, pages, or entire papers or chapters without quotation or attribution. When is large amount of copying Involved in this kind of case, the occurrence of plagiarism becomes undeniable.
Most plagiarism is more subtle in nature and this betides when authors fail to apply quotation marks to borrowed materials and to cite the source. It occurs also when there is use of inadequate paraphrase which makes a superficial change to a text, or neglect to cite the source of the paraphrase. At the long run, all forms or types of plagiarism narrows down to presenting someone else’s ideas or words as your own.


  • Mosaic plagiarism

This is also called “patchwork plagiarism” or “patch writing," which refers to the act of using a fraction of someone else’s work and adding your own work to it or the copying and pasting of various pieces of text together to design a type of patchwork or mosaic of another researchers’ ideas. Mosaic plagiarism appears to be one of the most confusing type of plagiarism because it embraces a lot of various behaviours.
In this case, results and text may appear to be entirely fresh or new or but the ideas and words aren't.

  • Direct Plagiarism

Another name for direct plagiarism is “clone plagiarism” also referred to as "copy-and-paste plagiarism. This is the act of copying the whole of someone else's piece of work and laying claiming on it to be your own prototype work.

  • Self Plagiarism

Self plagiarism is the reusing of one's own previous work and passing it off as new work. When one uses the whole or a fraction of his or her own previous work such as a dataset or a paper or review of literature without proper citation of, Self plagiarism has occurred.

  • Accidental Plagiarism

This is a type of plagiarism that occurs when a person disregards citing his/her sources, or misquotes their sources, or paraphrases a source unintentionally using similar words and/or sentence structure with no clear attribution.


The consequence of plagiarism is dependent or determined by the plagiarism committed, however, it professional, ethical, personal or legal. Authors, academics, journalists, professionals, students, etc are all prone to plagiarism. Some possible consequences of plagiarism are as follows:

Destruction of Professional Reputation

Plagiarism has the capacity of ruining or destroying one's career be it a student, public figure, politician, or even a professional business person. Plagiarism not lead to job loss but also slims one's chances of getting another honourable job, also it can go as far damaging the plagiarist's name hence, pose limitations on making a significant career.

Legal Consequences

The consequences permitted by law for plagiarism can be very severe. Since it illegal to and prohibited to another author's materials without proper citation or reference, copyright laws being authorcratic cannot be mitigated for offenders.
Plagiarism may also be considered a criminal offense, possibly leading to a prison sentence.
Plagiarism is a serious ethical and perhaps legal issue with respect to professional writing.


An author that sues plagiarist may possibly be indemnified. Monetary penalties may apply for journalists or students found guilty of Plagiarism.

Other consequences of plagiarism may include plagiarised research - which can lead to loss of life if done in medical nature, destruction of academic reputation, destruction of student's reputation, etc.


Cite The Original Source
An in-text citation or footnote citation which identifies the prototype author must be included each time one makes a quote or paraphrase. It frequently also includes the publication year and perhaps, a page number.

Without doubt, there should a correspondence between In-text citation and reference in bibliography or the reference at finish point of your paper. This is the precise details showing the source of the information allowing readers access the source.

Citation are in various styles, each have a specific citing rule. APA, MLA and Chicago Style are all popular styles. It is important to use one style through a text.

Quote and Paraphrase
It is a necessity to paragraph or quote the original text if you want to share a piece of information or an idea from a source while writing a paper.

Quoting means copying a piece of text word-for-word, enclosed in quotation marks, and correctly attributed to the original author source. This is used when copying an author's work directly from the source. Quoting should be used when:

Making additions to the power of a writer's words to make a support by emphasizing or making prominent a specific passage or phrase.

Disagreeing with an author's line of argument, compare and contrast with a very specific view points.

This is explaining something from a source in one's own terms. It allows one to give only the most imperative information from a passage. Dissimilar quoting, paraphrasing is restating an writer's own words . This is the redoing of the writer's mental apprehension or conception, phrase and sentence structures using one's own words. Paraphrasing ought to be used when;

Trying to avoid plagiarism and overusing quotation.

Using your own words in presenting your article.

Summarizing includes putting the main idea(s) of several authors into one's own words. To a significant extent, summaries are more succinct and exact than the original source materials, hence should be well used to avoid plagiarism. Summaries are done when:

Establishing background or overview of a topic.

Definitely finding out the main perception of a source and depicting a knowledge.

I have studied and understood the Steemit etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my possible best to embrace them.

Thanks to you @whitestallion and @focusnow for your continuous e-learning in this platform.

With this achievement, I proudly can say. I am already guided accordingly to the term content; Etiquette_Plagiarism.

 3 years ago 

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You have been upvoted by @whitestallion and I’m voting with the Steemit Community Curator @steemcurator03 account to support the newcomers coming into steemit.

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