Achievement 3 task by @hakim00171.

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

I hope you all are will

Today am going to be completing
my achievement 3

my achievement 3


  • I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them" at the end of this task post.


Plagiarism simple means the presenting of someone else's work or idea as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.

  • task and am going to be talking to you about PLAGIARISM as it has to do with our blogging and content creation in steemit.


  • Plagiarism as the name implies is a common problem primarily among writers and bloggers.
    Plagiarism means to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own or to use another's production without crediting the source.


  • Many people think plagiarism is stealing someone else's words but its also stealing someone else's ideas. In other words even if you paraphrase a text,the ideas needs to be cited.
    The phrase"without crediting the source" means that its okay to use the words and ideas of others but you have to cite the source to avoid plagiarism.


  • Plagiarism takes various forms.It ranges from reusing an entire document to rewritting a single paragraph. In the end,all types of plagiarism come down to passing off someone's ideas or words as your own.



  • Copy and paste plagiarism also known as direct plagiarism means using a paragraph from another source without a citation. If you really want to include a passage from another source,word for word,you should learn how to quote it.


  • Copying and pasting different pieces of text together to create a kind of mosaic or patchwork of other researcher's ideas is plagiarism. Although the result is a completely new piece of work,the words and ideas aren't new.


  • When you use parts of your previous work (e.g a paper,a literature review,or a dataset) without properly citing it,you commit what is called self plagiarism. Although it sounds a bit crazy to be penalized for plagiarizing your own work,you should know that it is done because it goes against the expectations of your readers. They expect the work to be original.


  • When you use someone's paper,you're committing plagiarism because you're pretending that the words and ideas are yours. Using someone's work includes for instance having a friend or family write the text for you or buying an essay from a so called essay mill.


  • You will be down voted.
  • You will be charged with copyright infringement.
  • You will ruin your reputation.
  • You will lose your audience.


  • To avoid plagiarism,simply follow these two steps;Quote,paraphrase or summarize the words or ideas from someone else.Give credit to the original source by including a citation in the text and reference list.


  • When using someone else's exact words,properly format them as a QUOTE.
    When using someone else's ideas,properly PARAPHRASE it,expressing the idea completely in your own words.

  • ★Make sure to include and IN-TEXT CITATION everytime you use words,ideas or information from a source.

  • ★Every source you cite shall be included in the REFERENCE LIST.

  • ★Always follow the rules of CITATION STYLE.

  • ★Do not commit SELF PLAGIARISM by using parts of a previous post.

To read and know more about PLAGIARISM and abuse,you can visit our STEEMIT FAQ

the steemit etiquette on steemit community and I will do my best to observe them as instructed.

Thanks for reading my post.
A big thanks to my mentor



dont tag curators. and Share an image and show how to add a source link. Also tell me how to make a quote sentence

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