in Newcomers' Community2 months ago
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Hi everyone, I am very happy that my achievement 2 was approved few days ago and I am here again to complete my achievement 3. I am meant to explain in my own words what I understood by plagiarism, it's types and how to avoid it.

Meaning of Content Etiquette

Content Etiquette simply refers to a set of rules regulations, code of conduct expected by a writer to strictly adhere to in his or her publication. This set of guidelines helps the writer to showcase their true self while also giving a great value to your write up.

Meaning of plagiarism

Plagiarism simply means using other people's work of art, ideas, and words without referencing them or total acknowledgement.

Types of plagiarism

For the purpose of my achievement 3 post, I will briefly explain the 4 most commonest types of plagiarism. They are, Direct plagiarism, Self plagiarism, Mosaic plagiarism and accidental plagiarism.

Direct plagiarism: This happens when you copy word by word from another source without referencing the authors at the end of your work.

Self plagiarism: This happens when the writer uses his or her own previous work without seeking the necessary approval.

Mosaic plagiarism: This happens when a writer borrows phrases from a source without using quotation marks. It is also called Patch writing.

Accidental plagiarism: This happens when a writer forgets to reference it's source or misquote it without knowing. Accidental plagiarism is still a serious offense as the other types of plagiarism because lack of intent does not absorb the writer from wrongdoings.

How to avoid plagiarism

The following will help the writer to avoid plagiarism. These includes;

  1. Develope your own style of writing and try to be clear and concise always
  2. Don't just copy and paste. Read to understand and then summarize in your own words
  3. Use range of sources and don't limit yourself to a particular author.
  4. Always remember to quote your references at the end of your work.

I have read and understood plagiarism and I promise to produce only plagiarism free contents in steemit


The achievement 3 task is a very eye opener for me to learn about things I take for granted before. I am happy to have learnt about plagiarism and it's consequences and that will go a long way to guide me in all my publication as a steemian. It is also very important that I mentioned @ngoenyi who has been a great mentor to me in this journey and also a big thank you to @goodybest for approving my achievement 2 post

 last month 

Hi @fifapresido continue to be active on the platform when you reach a month come back and write your 1st progressive report which must include:

  • A summary of the communities you've joined, why you've joined them, which you like the most, and why.

  • The topics you've been writing about.

  • A list of key people you've interacted with. An introduction to the people who have had the biggest impact on your experience so far (NOT an opportunity to tag whales) and the unexpected relationships that you've experienced.

  • Your most successful post - Why do you think it was successful?

  • Other observations - What have you learned and discovered that you weren't expecting to?

  • Your plan and expectations for the next month on the platform (please don't mention growing your account!)


Thank you for the heads up @goodybest.
I promise to remain active and to adhere to the instructions given

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